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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 576

Not even a head made of steel could withstand Hudson's ferocious punch without getting dented, for his fists were known to smash deep holes even in five-centimeter-thick steel plates. As Hudson's fist neared Daniel's face, with an effortless twitch of his golf club, Daniel flicked a golf ball into the air and swiftly sidestepped to the left. Hudson's iron fist, with all its might, struck the golf ball instead of Daniel.


The golf ball flew off far into the distance. Golf balls are not soft; they are incredibly hard, and hitting one with such force, of course, hurt like nothing else. The pain made Hudson bellow in agony as he instinctively sucked in the cold air, nursing his throbbing hand.

Earlier, he had tried to intimidate the "country boy" and had ended up being made a fool of. Now, his attempt to teach Daniel a lesson had backfired hilariously, with his fierce punch being turned into a silly golf stroke. It was humiliating. He was a professional being toyed with by a kid from the countryside. How could this be?

"Country boy, you're asking for it!" Hudson roared before taking another swing at Daniel.

The tee-off area was littered with golf balls. With deft hands, Daniel gently hooked another one from the ground with his club.


Hudson's punch, aimed at Daniel's chest, met yet another golf ball dead center, sending it flying. And again, Hudson's hand suffered a searing pain.

"Ah! Aghhh!"

Instead of howling, Hudson's cries were now shrill shrieks of agony, each one sounding more pitiful than the last.


This time, the golf ball punched away by Hudson fell into a man-made lake.

"Wow, not a great shot there! You just hit the ball into the water; that one's a goner," Daniel teased without a hint of concern.

With his face red with anger and his hand throbbing from striking golf balls, Hudson screamed at Daniel, "Don't run away, country boy! Fight like a man! Stop with these cheap tricks! Take my punches with your face if you're so tough!"

Such a shameless demand, and yet Hudson made it so brazenly that Daniel couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Seriously? You think I'm an idiot? You want me to catch your punches with my face to prove I'm brave? Why don't you show me how it's done first? Try catching my punch with your face?"

No sooner had Daniel finished speaking than he launched his own fist toward Hudson. Hudson saw the punch coming and prepared to block or dodge, but before he could even move, Daniel's fist had already made contact with his face.


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