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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 217

Chapter 217 To Let Pass or Not

"Boss, should we send the Bloodshadow Guard into the capital? Will Phil Santiago allow it?" Black Tortoise asked once his emotions steadied.

Phil Santiago, the Deputy Commander of the Northern Border Army, was stationed in the capital city. All five military-controlled airports were within his jurisdiction.

"He won't dare to deny entry. Let the Bloodshadow Guard sweep through his airport," White Tiger's voice was gruff.

"White Tiger, can you stop causing trouble?" Black Tortoise shot a glare. "That's the capital city, not some other place."

"He'll permit it," Billy said calmly. "Go ahead, inform them. We depart tomorrow morning."

"Yes, sir!" Vermilion Bird and the others nodded in unison.

The next morning at 6 a. m., Billy and the group arrived at the airport. The Bloodshadow Guard lined up, clad uniformly in combat attire, each wearing a dark-red-hilted bloodshadow warblade.

"Commander!" The hundred Bloodshadow Guard soldiers knelt on one knee and shouted in unison, their voices resounding like thunder.

"Rise and speak," Billy motioned with his hand.

"Yes, Commander!" The hundred soldiers shouted again in unison, then stood at attention like blades.

"Bloodshadow Guard is fully assembled. Requesting your instructions!" The leader, Ken Rose, reported loudly.

"Upon arrival in the capital, follow Vice Commander Kimmons' orders. No independent actions are allowed, or else military law will be enforced," Billy instructed.

"We shall follow your orders, Commander Gardner!" Ken Rose saluted.

"Go ahead!" Billy waved his hand.

"Yes, sir!" Ken Rose saluted again before turning and shouting, "Depart!"

At 8 a. m., on the eastern side of the capital city, at a military-controlled airport, a small meeting was underway. Several men in military attire were discussing matters.

Seated at the head of the table was a man in his forties, with a square face, thick eyebrows, and a sturdy aura. This man was none other than Phil Santiago, the Deputy Commander of the Northern Border Army.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Soon, urgent knocking came from the door.

"Come in!" Phil Santiago's brow furrowed slightly.

According to his routine, he had explicitly instructed that he not be disturbed unless something exceptional arose.

"Report!" a young man in military attire entered swiftly and saluted.

"Speak!" Phil Santiago's voice was deep.

"A hundred Western Warriors have arrived at our airport. Should we permit their passage? Seeking instructions, Deputy Commander!" the young man spoke loudly.

Upon hearing this news, he was taken aback as well. Why would a hundred Western Warriors arrive in the capital without any apparent reason? Phil didn't think they were here for a sightseeing tour!

Phil Santiago choked on his tea. After recovering slightly, he continued, "Are you sure they are Western Warriors?"

"I'm a hundred percent certain!" The man nodded firmly. "Moreover, if my guess is right, these hundred individuals belong to the Western Bloodshadow Guard!"

The attendees exchanged glances, their faces showing equal astonishment. A hundred regular Western Warriors wouldn't have been much of a surprise, but they were Western Bloodshadow Guard. They were infamous for their relentless, border-patrolling nature. How could they possibly come to the capital?


Phil Santiago's teacup hit the conference table. His gaze locked onto the young man, and he asked again, "Are you sure?"


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