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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 302

Chapter 302 People From Oriana

For the next few days, Billy stayed within the base of SHADOW in the capital. He supervised Azure Fang and the others' training, keeping a close eye on the situation with the Frazier family's clan.

After about ten days of intense training, their efforts paid off. The five sharp blades had all improved significantly, even though they had to shed some blood, sweat, and tears along the way.

With Billy's guidance, Azure Fang and Frostblade successfully broke through and becomE Tier-one Warlords, while Soul Chaser smoothly advanced to the Warlord realm. Night Orchid and Judge also saw the dawn of progress in their journey, needing just the right opportunity to break through.

On the Frazier family's front, things went smoother than Billy had expected. Once Josh Frazier took back his position as the clan's lord, he swiftly cut off the rotten parts, cleaning house and consolidating his rule. However, during this process, some of the Frazier family's assets were taken over by other clans, as Billy had anticipated. It wasn't surprising.

"Frostblade, is Ebony Lord in the Southern District?" One afternoon, after lunch, Billy and his team gathered in the meeting hall for a chat.

"Yeah, he arrived there half a month ago. He should be heading to Earthford in a couple of days." Frostblade said in response.

"Is there any trouble?"

"I met him before coming to the capital. From what he said, he investigated a few people, but nothing particularly significant came up."

"Alright," Billy nodded. "Since Earthford is the core city of the Southern District, there might be more significant issues there. When you return, ask if he needs any assistance."

"Yes, Commander!" Frostblade nodded solemnly.

At that moment, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed, and Casey Kimmons and Azure Dragon entered the room.

"Boss!" They greeted Billy upon entering.

"Why are you two here?" Billy was slightly surprised.

"General Wilson has requested our presence." Casey replied.

"General Wilson? Do you know what it's about?" Billy asked.

"He didn't specify, but from what I've gathered, it's related to Oriana's people arriving in Glavale." Casey explained.

"Oh? Do you know who is leading Oriana's delegation?"

"It appears that Duke Aiken Hampton himself is leading the group."

"Is that so? Quite interesting." Billy commented.

"Boss, when Oriana's people come to Glavale, why would General Wilson specifically call for Casey and Azure Dragon to come to the capital? They could have been received by someone from the Central Sky Office." Judge interjected.

"Judge, isn't it obvious?" Night Orchid smiled and chimed in. "Last time, boss and Casey went straight to their capital city and even beheaded their War Department's Elder in front of a crowd. They can't swallow that humiliation, but they can't directly confront boss either, or they might not make it back."

"So, they need a pretext, and of course, they'll start with the Eastern District military since boss was in Oriana to save the Deputy Commander of the Eastern District back then." She continued. "Furthermore, the ten thousand Bloodshadow warriors Azure Dragon brought to the Eastern District probably made them uncomfortable. I guess that's one of their objectives in coming to Glavale this time."

"Wow, Orchid, your analysis is spot on!" Azure Dragon chuckled.

"It's pretty obvious!" Night Orchid smiled again.

"Orchid, are you suggesting that they've specifically named the Eastern District Commander to see if boss would intervene? Because they know that if something happens to Casey, boss will step in?" Judge inquired.


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