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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 343

Chapter 343 Modifying the Eight Extra Meridians

For Billy, the decision to initiate martial training for Harleen and Felicia meant they wouldn't be starting from scratch. If they did, it would likely take more than a decade to see any significant results, especially considering they were both in their twenties.

For the average person, it was already considered good if they could progress from ordinary to Warrior status within ten years of self-practice. Many spent their whole lives practicing martial arts without ever reaching the rank of Battle Master.

The art of martial cultivation depended on two factors, talent and external conditions. The latter included guidance from predecessors of those hidden clans and sects. Compared to their secular peers, people who acquired the guidance often surpassed the others in terms of martial art cultivation. This was primarily due to the superior training conditions they had access to. Training conditions encompassed various aspects, such as guidance from experts, martial techniques, and the use of herbs and elixirs, among others.

Another method involved modifying the twelve regular meridians and eight extra meridians within a practitioner's body. Combined with special elixirs, this could rapidly boost one's martial prowess. The extent of improvement depended on the skills of the person performing the modification.

Today, Billy was overseeing this procedure. Given his medical expertise and martial arts experience, it posed no challenge for him. Within the esoterica of Nine Needles of Secret Essences, there was a section specifically focused on modifying the twelve regular meridians and eight extra meridians. Additionally, Billy had asked Stout to bring a batch of elixirs from Secret Essences for Harleen and her sister to consume.

Soon after entering the room, Billy administered two foundational elixirs to both of them. Then, he began the process of inserting nine silver needles into crucial acupoints on their bodies, such as Hundred Convergence, Wind Mansion and Chi Ocean.

Afterward, Billy seated himself behind the sisters and placed his palms on their backs, simultaneously channeling a potent flow of Chi energy into their bodies.

"Mm..." Both sisters emitted a low groan, their brows furrowing in pain.

"I'm about to connect your entire meridian system. It might be a bit painful during the process, so bear with it." Billy warned.

"Okay." Harleen and Felicia replied with determination in their eyes.

Billy increased the intensity of the energy flowing from his hands while the room's air began to stir, gradually forming a whirlwind around the trio. As the process continued, the whirlwind grew more intense, causing some training equipment in the room to shatter into pieces.

Casey and the others felt the overwhelming pressure, and even Stout, Judge, and Casey themselves had to step back to the room's entrance.

Within the sisters' semi-conscious state, it felt as if someone guided them through the changes occurring within their bodies.

"Boss is preparing to elevate them to extraordinary heights, isn't he?" Stout commented from the doorway, marveling at Billy's extraordinary skills.

"If he's going to do something, he'll aim for perfection." Casey nodded thoughtfully. "Once Ms Knight and Felicia choose this path, they will encounter numerous challenges they've never faced before. Without sufficient martial skills, the risks would be much greater."

"What do you think boss will teach them once he's elevated their abilities?" asked Judge.

"It's hard to say. Boss possesses knowledge from various martial arts schools. I have no idea which technique he will choose." Replied Stout.

"Will he teach them Bloodshadow Blade Technique or Cold Moon Blade Technique?"


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