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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Neither of Them Is Simple

After returning from Place of Darkness, Casey and the others went back to their respective positions. In the following days, Billy didn't have much to do, so he spent his time taking Tasha to and from school, enjoying a rare period of relaxation.

During this time, he received a call from Stan Mitchell, who updated him on the outcome of the previous incident. As Billy had expected, they faced a lot of resistance during the process, but with support from General Wilson and Bob Stokes, they managed to close the case, at least for the time being.

Including the members of the Greenwood Clan and the Special Patrol Division, a total of three to four dozen people were executed, putting a temporary end to the case. According to Stan Mitchell, his initial intention was to uproot the Greenwood clan entirely, but several people had contacted him, reminding him that it was time to stop. They argued that he should drop the matter for now.

Under pressure and without a better entry point, Stan Mitchell had no choice but to temporarily halt his efforts. However, he assured Billy that he would continue investigating the matter in the future.

Billy didn't say much in response, merely advising Stan Mitchell to prioritize his safety and contact Bob Stokes if any issues arose. To Billy, the ultimate goal was to bring down the remaining two Heaven-ranked clans in the capital city, so he wasn't too concerned about the outcome of this particular case.

What concerned him more at the moment was the situation in Nanrania. Those who had attacked him and his team ten years ago would pay with their lives, no matter what. Furthermore, even without this recent incident, it was time to send a warning to Nanrania.

Nanrania was a country located to the south of Glavale, covering an area roughly equivalent to three of Tyren. Nanrania had consistently shown ingratitude despite receiving numerous benefits from Glavale throughout history. In recent years, they had grown closer to some western countries and occasionally engaged in provocations along the border, challenging Glavale's authority.

During his time in the capital city, General Wilson had advised Billy to keep an eye on the southern border, specifically Nanrania.

On a sunny morning, after dropping Tasha off at kindergarten, Stout drove Billy to the SHADOW headquarters. Just as they set off, Billy's phone rang, and he answered it. It was a call from Harleen's secretary.

"Ava, what's up?" Billy inquired, sensing that something was amiss.

"Mr Gardner, could you come to our company right now?" Ava's voice sounded anxious.

"What's going on?" Billy asked.

"Some people just arrived, claiming to represent our company's newly developed beauty product. They're demanding that we grant them exclusive distribution rights for both the national and international markets." Ava explained. "When we refused, they resorted to violence and threatened to shut down our company if we didn't comply," she continued.

"Ms Knight just returned from a business trip and is currently negotiating with them in the conference room. She asked me to call you and see if you could come to the company."

"I'll be there right away!" Billy replied before ending the call.

"What happened?" Stout asked.


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