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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 479

Chapter 479 The Fall of Crimson Sun Sect

As his words fell, the eight people launched another attack. They revealed their trump cards, making their offensive even stronger than when they had faced Billy earlier.

"If that's the case, as you wish." Adam Greenleaf spoke solemnly. As he spoke, his figure swiftly moved, his wrist continuously flickering as his sword created several cold glimmers in the air. In no time, the entire kilometer radius was filled with sword shadows.


The next moment, Adam uttered a word, and the myriad sword shadows converged into a massive illusory sword shape, surrounded by thunderous energy and exuding an intense deathly chill. Following that, the illusory sword shape swung out, facing the attacks of Lonnie Silva and the others. A thunderous roar erupted, shaking the earth, and a trench nearly a kilometer long extended all the way to the end of the stone steps. At the same time, a shockwave like a heavy explosive weapon engulfed the surroundings, instantly reducing the kilometer radius to a flat plain.

Except for Preston Page, Walter Tarry, and Lonnie Silva, the other five people spurted blood into the air before being thrown hundreds of meters away. They landed on the ground, blood gushing from their mouths, twitching for a moment before falling still.

"It's impossible..."

In the next moment, after Preston Page's struggle, a streak of blood erupted from his forehead, and his body split in two, instantly lifeless. The target of Adam Greenleaf's previous strike had been him, and there was no chance of survival for him.

Upon seeing this scene, Lonnie and Walter didn't hesitate for a moment. They swiftly moved to the left and right to escape. Faced with such a formidable opponent, they had no desire to fight anymore. Their only thought was to escape. However, they were mistaken.

Under the attack from Adam Greenleaf earlier, they had already been seriously injured, and their teleportation speed was less than half of its original rate. Before they could run a hundred meters, they sensed a bone-chilling danger behind them. In no time, the myriad sword shadows enveloped them.

"No...!" They both cried out in unison.

Their words ended abruptly as several sword beams pierced through their hearts, and they were sent flying forward, spouting blood from their mouths. They took a few more steps due to inertia before collapsing lifelessly. With that, three War God-Emperors Intermediate, two War Emperors Initial, and three War Emperor Late experts were all slain.

"Thank you, Uncle Adam!" Billy walked over.

He had already observed Night Orchid and Stout's battles earlier and saw that there was no immediate danger, so he hadn't intervened. He considered it as giving Stout and the others a chance to practice.

"Young Master, please wait for me. I'll go up for a moment and be back soon." Adam said as he made a dash in the direction of the stone steps.

"Uncle Adam, I need to keep one of them alive. Azure Fang's injuries..." Billy reminded since he was aware that Adam Greenleaf intended to wipe out the whole Crimson Sun Sect.

"No worries, it's a minor injury. I'll be back soon." Adam Greenleaf reassured him.

Billy nodded and watched as Adam disappeared at the end of the stone steps.

A deafening roar echoed through the Crimson Sun Sect's shattered courtyard. As the devastating waves of sword energy subsided, the sect's buildings, trees, and rocks lay in ruins, a testament to the battle's ferocity.

"Crimson Sun Sect is finished! Everyone, run for your lives!" a man's voice cried out, and in response, over a thousand disciples scattered in all directions, fleeing like frightened animals.


Down the stone steps, by the collapsed archway, Billy remained unperturbed, his heart devoid of any ripples.


Before long, Night Orchid and the others had dispatched their foes and returned. Michael once again placed Azure Fang on a stretcher.

"Stout, you've made a breakthrough?" Billy sensed the aura of a War Grandmaster's completeness from Stout's being.

"Thanks to that fellow behind me who's got some skills, I've practiced quite a bit, or else it wouldn't have been this fast!" Stout grinned.

"Boss, what should we do with this woman?" Judge gestured toward Janice Harvey, who was lying on the ground.

Janice had lost all her defiance and crawled to Billy, begging for mercy.


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