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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 500

Chapter 500 The Army Approaching Kun Lun Town

The opposing man had assessed the situation and realized that his side was at a disadvantage. If they continued like this, they would eventually be defeated. For him, capturing Harleen Knight was the only way to have an ace up his sleeve. So, he had no intention of lingering in the fight with Fabian Geis any longer.

"Mrs Knight, be careful!" Fabian exclaimed in shock and quickly followed.

However, just as he took a few steps, another man from the opposing side intercepted him. Meanwhile, Harleen was preparing to attack one of the men on her right when she sensed the approaching danger from behind. She furrowed her brows and quickly moved to the side, avoiding half of her body.

Although she reacted quickly, the opponent's cultivation was one realm higher than hers, and it wasn't easy to evade. His palm struck Harleen's left arm, sending her tumbling several large steps to the side, and her blood surged within her. The man had no intention of stopping there and swiftly pursued her.

Just then, an extremely sharp sword aura shot from the doorway.

"Hmm?" The man instantly felt himself shrouded in a thick aura of death, and his body hair stood on end. Without any hesitation, he dodged to the side.

The sword aura was faster than his reaction, and while in mid-air, it passed by his waist. Following that, his body was cut into two pieces, and flesh and blood splattered on the ground.

The female members of the Knight family, who witnessed this scene, turned pale and some even vomited.

"Are you okay, Madam?" Vermilion Bird quickly approached Harleen.

"I'm fine, thank you," Harleen said gratefully to him. "Are you Billy's brother?"

"Yes, I'm Vermilion Bird. Madam, please rest for a while. Leave the rest to us."

"Alright," Harleen replied. "Be careful!"

"Yes, Madam. We'll deal with these scoundrels quickly!" Vermilion Bird assured her before facing another man.

Simultaneously, Black Tortoise and Judge had joined the battle, and within moments, two or three opponents fell. With their three added to the fight, the battle was over in less than three minutes. The opposing group had been completely defeated.

"Clean up the scene!" Alban Carroll instructed the SHADOW men, who quickly moved to clear away the bodies. This was done to ensure that Tasha wouldn't be frightened when she came out later.

"Yes, sir!" the hundred men responded in unison.

"Mr Geis, thank you!" Harleen walked up to Fabian Geis and bowed shortly.

"It's a small matter, and it's also something I should do, madam." Fabian smiled and then asked, "How are you doing, madam? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern, Mr Geis." Harleen replied with a slight nod of her head. After saying that, she turned to Judge and asked, "Judge, how are Billy and the others doing?"

"Don't worry, Mrs Knight, they're fine. It should be over on their end soon." Judge responded.

Just as he finished speaking, Billy, Casey, and a few others hurriedly walked in.

"Billy, are you okay?" Harleen rushed over to meet him.

"I'm fine!" Billy shook his head and quickly assessed the situation. Seeing that there was nothing major happening, he let out a sigh of relief.

After thanking Fabian Geis again, he turned to Harleen and said, "Sweetheart, Casey and I have some urgent matters to attend to. You and our parents can take Tasha home."

"Huh?" Harleen was momentarily taken aback and then said, "Please, be safe!"

"Will do," Billy nodded and then turned to Fabian once more. "Mr Geis, I have something urgent to take care of today, so I'll have to take my leave."


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