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The white wolf named Von novel Chapter 6


I stopped my car opposite a large black house. I looked out the window at the house and could see how old it was.

Its gate is rusty and there are large grasses in the part of its garden that can be seen from here outside. The color of the fountain in the middle with no water has also faded.

"Is this what you're looking for?" Aphrodite asked me. I looked at her and smiled.

"Hopefully," I replied and got out of the car.

I watched the whole black house. I smiled when I remembered how Lit told me this story before.

"Really?" I asked while looking at her face.

"Yes, I don't know but I don't like that black house. Apart from the ugly color of the interior, there are also a lot of wonders that happen." She said and grinned.

"Do you know I was surprised when the hotdog I was cooking suddenly floated, eh I'm the only one in that house? What I did was I transformed into a bat and then flew to my room, I didn't even kill the gas stove. " She told a story.

"HAHAHAHA how is that? It's good your house didn't burn down?" I asked.

"I also don't know but when they came- mama, I was just surprised there was food on the table and then mama thought I was the one who cooked it, they praised me so much because they said what I cooked was delicious eh I don't know how to cook." She told a story.

"HAHAHAHAHAH maybe your epic that day."

"Very much! Who wouldn't be epic if you saw the hotdog you're cooking suddenly float," she says.

"I think the one who floated is behind you."

"Von!" she shouted and hugged me so I smiled.

It's nice to go back to that day. I tried to laugh at her because she didn't know that I was also the one who did it.

I still remember when I first saw him in City, we hadn't studied in vampire high that day when she hit me and she all apologized to me. She said the dog was chasing him so she was running and he didn't see me on the road.

When I first saw her I didn't know but I was immediately attracted to her eyes. So I followed her back to her house. Then the next day I asked Leona for an invisibility potion so that I could approach Lit even though she couldn't see me.

That very day I saw her in the kitchen cooking a hotdog. I just sat in the corner watching her and it was obvious to her that she didn't know how to cook.

She was even afraid that the oil would spill, so I approached her and saw that the hotdog was on fire so I quickly took the spatula and removed the hotdog from the pan.

I was surprised when she suddenly screamed and looked like a bat and then flew to the top. I just slapped myself when I remembered that I was invisible and Lit would be scared because she saw the hotdog floating. So all I did was cook her ten meals to make up for my threat to her.

Black House 1

Black House 2


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