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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1540

Arthur was arrogant and domineering, overlooking the world.

It was as if he could already see himself controlling the Klein family’s treasure and standing alone at the peak, making everyone bow down and worship him.


In the face of life and death, Andrius used his indomitable willpower to move his body.

However, he had exhausted himself too much and just took a heavy blow from Arthur. His entire body was a mess of injuries. He could not break free or escape and could only watch as he was about to be kicked by Arthur.

‘Should I... use that move?’ Andrius could not help but have such a thought.


At that moment, an immense force erupted from the depths of the abyss, as vast and endless as the starry sky!

It was an unprecedented power far beyond the comprehension of everyone present.

Before it, Andrius, Arthur, and everything else was insignificant.

It seemed to come from the long river of time, traversing through time and space, annihilating everything. It was unseen and unmatched by anyone!

At that moment, it cast off all restraints, broke free from its shackles, and returned to the world.


Arthur, who was in mid-air, was the first to be hit. He was immediately sent flying dozens of meters away, crashing heavily to the ground and bouncing a bit.

Faced with that force, all he could do was wail.


Andrius, who was nearby, was similarly greatly affected. He was blown away in an instant and rolled on the ground several times.

Only after moving away from the center did he feel a little better.

Whoosh, whoosh...

The wind blew, howling and whistling fiercely.

It stung people’s faces like knives, carrying a thick coppery stench.

Dust and sand filled the sky, and gravel danced with it, obscuring vision and making it impossible to see what exactly happened at the center.

However, Andrius vaguely saw a gigantic creature beginning to emerge from the abyss.


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