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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 732


Chapter 732 

Andrius smiled but did not explain. Instead… 




After a series of heavy blows, Andrius finally released the Second War God and said expressionlessly,That was for the fallen Lycantroops soldiers and the lost territory.” 

The Second War God’s eyes twitched, but he was speechless


According to Florence’s traditions, it would not be excessive to execute him for losing territory

Andrius snorted coldly. Get lost. I need to discuss important military matters now.” 

With the support of his guards, the Second War God struggled to stand up and limped away. He did not say a word, but his eyes flickered with boundless resentment, and his heart filled with fury. Andrius Moonshade, just you wait. I’ll make you pay sooner or later!” 

The group soon disappeared from sight

All commanders, gather in the main camp for a meeting,Andrius commanded before he entered the main camp. The others followed closely

In the Western Warzone main camp, Andrius sat at the head of the table, sweeping his sharp eyes around. Report the latest situation on the battlefield.” 

As soon as he spoke, one of the commanders stood up. It was Fenrir, one of the Eight Commanders. “The Western Nations are taking advantage of their numerical superiority. They have deployed five large armies, each with 800,000 troops

They keep 200,000 troops in the rear as reinforcements, totaling a million troops

Furthermore, each army is wellequipped with heavy tanks, fighter jets, bombers, electronic warfare units, emergency communication units, and so on

They’ve already launched an offensive from five directions: Bina Pass, Trudid Pass, Fanfoss Pass, Griffin Pass, and Bellmore Pass. They seem to intend to join forces below Yatburg and compete with us for supremacy

Five armies from five directions… 

The Western Nations were truly ambitious

Andriuseyes flickered with fierceness, and he continued to ask, How is our army faring?” 

Fenrir looked up at Andrius, then lowered his head again. At the moment, the Lycantroops have suffered 80,000 casualties. The bodies haven’t been recovered yet” 


Before he could finish, his words were interrupted by a sound

Andrius had pressed his hand onto the table so hard that it left a deep handprint

80,000 men! 


Andriusheart was bleeding

Every soldier of the Lycantroops was like his own flesh and blood

They were the pillars of 80,000 families in Florence

80,000 sons, husbands, and fathers

However, their bodies were all turned to dregs because of Registus and the Second War God’s conspiracy

How could Andrius not be furious

For a time, the atmosphere in the main camp was terrifyingly oppressive

All the commanders bowed their heads in silence

After a long pause, Andrius spoke slowly. Continue.” 

Besides losing tens of thousands of square kilometers of land, the Lycantroopstanks, artillery, planes, electronic countermeasures equipment, and other assets haven’t suffered significant losses

However, we still haven’t found the culprits behind the hacking attack on our loworbit satellite


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