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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 736


Chapter 736 

Griffin Pass used to be the first line of defense in the western region of Florence

However, now that it had completely fallen into the control of the Western Nations, it had become a temporary command center for the Western Nationscoalition forces on the battlefield

At that moment, the leaders of more than thirty Western Nations were all gathered

Have you all heard about the major incident in the Lycantroops?” 

Canchilla, the leader of Arbral, sat at the head of the table and looked around at everyone. There’s news that the Wolf King, Andrius Moonshade, has been brought under someone’s control. What do you all think?” 

If Andrius was really under the control of his subordinates, this could be a tremendous opportunity

It was an opportunity to turn the tide in a single move

Not only would the Lycantroops be decimated under their artillery fire, but the western border of Florence would also fall into their hands

Moreover, in the future, they would have a foothold in the western region to potentially launch an 

offensive against the heartland of Florence. Florence had an ancient history and was a formidable nation that instilled fear, but it might become part of their domain

What an amazing achievement

No ruler could resist such temptation

No one

Thus, upon receiving the news, Canchilla immediately gathered all the leaders of the Western Nations to discuss this matter together

Not long after he spoke, one leader stood up and said wisely, Please calm down, Your Majesty! Andrius is exceptionally strong and cunning. Given his control over the Lycantroops, the possibility of such a thing happening is close to zero

I believe this is a smokescreen that the Lycantroops released to lure us in.After speaking, he sat back down again

I think he makes a valid point.” 

I also think that the Wolf King would not be subdued that easily.” 

Andrius has employed countless schemes before. I think we should be cautious.” 

Yes, that makes sense!” 

The other leaders began expressing their opinions

They all believed that with Andriusyears of service within the Lycantroops, he was an unquestionable leader, and his position could not be shaken

When Canchilla saw so many people supporting that view, the fire in his heart was somewhat extinguished. Thinking about it again, what the leaders said made sense


At that moment, a military officer rushed in, holding a special paper in his hand

Chap 36 


It was a message sent by Rupert and the others

In the age of communication, delivering information in this antique way made it more secretive

Canchilla immediately unfolded the paper, which only had a few words written on it: The Wolf King is under control. Please give us your orders!” 

It was true

The commotion from that night was true

Although the words were concise, Canchilla easily pieced everything together

General Roman Vargas, who was beaten by Andrius that night, must have been dissatisfied with Andriusactions. Thus, he conspired with Rupert and the others to launch a surprise attack on Andriuscamp and 

achieve a miraculous victory

The message on the paper was brief but necessary

Communication should be conducted in a concise and accurate manner

However, he still consulted the leaders just in case. “We’ve just received news from the insider we planted within the Lycantroops. They reported that the Wolf King has been brought under control, and they are requesting our next orders. What do you all think, gentlemen?” 

The hall immediately erupted in a commotion

The Wolf King is under control!” 

This is a rare opportunity!” 

Quick, issue the orders for battle and tell Rupert and the others to execute our plan!” 

As soon as Andrius arrived at the Lycantroops, he beat up the Second War God and then punished General Vargas. He has finally stirred up resentment!” 

This time, the leaders no longer had any doubts


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