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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 780

Chapter 780 

The night was pitch black


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the land with its cold light. The booming sound shattered the silence of the deep night, ringing in people’s ears

Large raindrops suddenly poured from the sky, unexpectedly and violently

In just a brief moment, the water falling from the eaves formed a curtain of water, and the droplets turned into streams

Thunder roared incessantly, and rain poured like a deluge

The whole of Kiyoto was enveloped in the wind and rain

At the same time, in Crestfall Manor in Sumeria, the place was brightly lit. 

Belarus and Luna were coordinating with numerous likeminded individuals, preparing to draft a petition signed by ten thousand people

By chance, they both picked up the tea beside them to quench their thirst



Shortly after drinking, they both collapsed

Harry, who had been waiting outside, heard the commotion and immediately rushed in with the other Crestfalls

Quick, help them to their rooms to rest,Harry instructed the younger members of the family and helped the two to their respective rooms to rest

Dad and LunaI’m sorry! I just want you both to rest for a day.” 

In truth, Harry did not approve of the Crestfalls stepping forward at this time to stand up for Andrius. Anyone keen would be able to tell that this incident was the emperor targeting Andrius

If the Crestfalls stepped forward at this time, whether or not they ultimately succeeded, they would offend the emperor to the point of facing annihilation

Given the Crestfallscurrent status and power, they could thrive and dominate the entire East River State even without the Wolf King. They did not have to get involved in this matter

However, he was unable to convince Belarus and Luna during the family meeting, so he had to resort to this extreme course of action after discussing it with the younger members of the family

Just then, Roxy ran over and said excitedly, Uncle Harry, we just received news that the petitions from various places have all disappeared mysteriously. It’s as if they were intervened by some unknown force.” 

Great!Harry could not help but clap and laugh. “In that case, the Crestfalls can completely distance ourselves from this matter.” 

That’s great!the other members echoed with smiles

Master Crestfall’s mind has grown muddled. The Crestfalls are strong now, but he wants us to oppose the emperor for a Wolf King who’s doomed to die” 

That’s right. Even without the Wolf King, our family is still the top family in the East River State.” 

I really don’t understand what those two were thinking.” 

On the Western border, the lights were lit in the central camp of the army where Noir, Fenrir, and the other Lycantroops commanders were gathered

Some were restless, some paced back and forth, and some had furrowed brows. They were all waiting for news from the First War God


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