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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 787

Chapter 787 

Andrius looked over

As he expected, it was Halle

When she saw him wake up, she immediately approached and held his hand tightly with trembling hands

How long was I out?Andrius felt groggy and asked

Three days.Halle smiled bitterly. In these three days, you’ve either had a high or lowgrade fever. I’ve never seen such a weak Wolf King before.” 

Andrius did not comment and asked, Have the bodies of the Lycantroops officers been taken care of?” 

Halle sighed internally. In her understanding, Andrius cared about his soldiers more than anything else

However, she replied, “The Black Wolf has taken care of them and buried them in a beautiful place in the Western region.” 

Help me up.Andrius tried to sit up, but his limbs were extremely weak, so he had to let Halle help him.They’re loyal heroes of Florence. They’re valiant and honorable men. I must send them off on their final journey.” 

Halle tried to help him stand up

Noir heard the movement and rushed in from outside

Seeing this, he immediately found a wheelchair and helped Andrius into it, then began pushing him

A moment later, Noir, Halle, and Andrius appeared on a barren hill

Although the place was surrounded by a clear environment with mountains and water, it was not where the other Lycantroops martyrs were buried. There were only a few fresh traces suggesting that this was the first time anyone had appeared here

Andrius could not help but fall silent

Noir explained, Since they were labeled as rebels, they couldn’t be buried in the Lycantroopsmartyrs cemetery.” 

When he said those words, even Halle could hear the suppressed anger

To warriors like them who had been loyal and risked their lives on the battlefield without a second 

thought, it was a great humiliation to be branded as a rebel. It was something hard to bear

Andrius did not say anything. He signaled for Noir to push him around each grave, deeply imprinting their names and appearances in his memory

Then, he returned to the front 

Dear warriors, it’s all my fault. If not for me, you wouldn’t have ended up like this.” 

Andriusvoice was low and hoarse. It sounded calm, but it was filled with sorrow and selfblame that anyone could hear

Noir and Halle did not speak

A heavy sorrow hung over the place

Andrius glanced at the graves again before saying in a low voice, Let’s go!” 

Noir then turned the wheelchair in another direction and pushed Andrius back

Along the way, he hesitated several times before asking, Andy, everything that Registus said on the judgment platform was baseless. Why did you confess?” 

Registus used insects to control the families of the fallen officers. If I didn’t confess, over a hundred innocent people would’ve died because of me.” 

After saying this, Andrius slowly closed his eyes

Halle could not help but frown and complain, How could the emperor be so wicked?” 


Noir’s eyes were bloodshot as he punched a nearby tree, causing leaves to fall and leaving a deep dent in the trunk. He muttered, That guy is so heartless” 

Andrius sighed and asked, How is the situation in the Western region now?” 

Everything is relatively quiet.Noir calmed down, but he was still panting. Registus hasn’t sent anyone to control the Lycantroops and allowed them to govern the Western border region on their own

Andrius frowned slightly upon hearing this. Rationally, now was the best time to take control of the Lycantroops However, Registusactions were completely opposite to what he expected. He must have some deeper motives

Andrius smiled bitterly. He was struggling to stay alive, yet he was still worrying about such matters…. 

Back at the hospital, as soon as Andrius returned to his bed, the masked person and the blackrobed man 



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