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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 790

Chapter 790 

Because it is your destiny!” 

Registuswords shocked Andrius

First, in the events of that year, your Kleins suffered the most significant losses. As the sole survivor of the Kleins, who else but you should step forward

Second, your master, Old Hagstorm, is actually my master too. In a way, I’m your senior whom you haven’t met in 20 years

Lastly, back then, you didn’t survive the massacre miraculously. It was our master who risked his life amidst the chaos to save you.” 

Each word from Registus shook Andriusnerves, making him unable to calm down for a long time

These facts were things he never considered before, but they were especially important

After pondering for a moment, he asked, Since you’ve been planning for so many years, why didn’t you reveal the truth to me earlier and let me march the Lycantroops straight into Kiyoto? Since you’re the real emperor of Florence, it should’ve been possible.” 

Registus sighed. You’re unaware of this, but our master made a certain agreement with the Swallow family for some reason, promising that this information would not be disclosed to a third party

It is only due to unforeseen circumstances that I can share this with you now. Otherwise, with your straightforward attitude, who knows how many years it would’ve taken for you to fully realize the situation.” 

Straightforward attitude…. 

Andrius fell silent. He understood that Registus was referring to his commitment to his soldiers

Andrius did not refute or regret his decision

Where is Master now? Can I see him?” 

Andrius wanted to hear the whole story from Old Hagstorm himself since there were more questions that Registus could not answer

Don’t even think about it,” Registus refused ruthlessly. If you want to see Master, you first need to ensure your own survival and participate in the carefully planned game our master has been orchestrating for 20 years

Furthermore, you must excel in this game before you have the chance to meet him.” 

Andrius fell silent again

A game 20 years in the making. Perhaps Old Hagstorm began setting it up as soon as he learned that the four ancient martial families were going after the Kleins

All this was for him

Perhaps he really could not continue like this. Otherwise, he would ruin his master’s plan of many years. It would be an act of betrayal

Andrius thought deeply for a moment before nodding. Okay, I understand.” 

This is for you.Registus took out a piece of paper and handed it to Andrius. There’s an address on it. Go there when you manage to survive this time. You’ll find what you want there.” 

Andrius raised a brow and put the paper away

Registus snorted coldly. Well, I need to leave now. I hope you won’t fare too poorly and ruin our master’s careful plan.” 

After that, he left with the blackrobed man. 

The ward fell into silence again

The news that Registus broke was too shocking

Noir, Halle, and the others could not absorb it all at once

However, Andrius had a clear understanding of the past events and immediately ordered, Noir, call Harpy and the others. I have instructions for them.” 

The Black Hawk was in charge of investigating the treasure map. It was a matter of utmost importance


Not long after, Harpy brought several members of the Hawkeye Group over


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