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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 810

Chapter 810 

Back at Kiyoto, the Second War God delivered the great news to the emperor, Registus

Your Majesty! I have pushed the Wolf King, Andrius Moonshade, over the cliff and there is no way that he 

could make it out alive! The First War God, Conrad Gibbs, has fallen to my gun as well!” 

Then, he signaled his men to bring Conrad’s body forward

Great! This is great!Register cackled as he rubbed his hands excitedly. Andrius Moonshade’s arrogance has finally gotten him killed! This is great! Hahahaha!” 

His laughter echoed across the spacious grand hall

The Second War God stood next to Register and laughed, too

After laughing for a while, Registus calmed down and said, Conrad Gibbs. As the First War God, I believe his physical strength is off the charts. I think it will be great if we can use his dead body and turn him into 

an insect soldier.” 

The Second War God echoed with a grin, Your Majesty, I have the same idea as well. We can use Conrad Gibbsbody to create an unprecedented insect soldier and he will be the strongest!” 

Registus nodded. Good. And we have to develop a new batch of insect soldiers as soon as possible. Now with Andrius Moonshade dead, the Lycantroops are leaderless. In addition to the war with the Western Alliance, they are badly hurt now. It’s time to wipe them all out. This is a chance that we cannot miss.” 

The Second War God wore a serious look and nodded. Yes, Your Majesty.” 

And since Conrad stood against us, we should at least do him a favor. He should be able to reunite with his family in the afterlife.” 

I understand, Your Majesty.” 

The Second War God knew exactly what Registus meant

Since he had killed Conrad, to begin with, he should end it by taking out Conrad’s entire family to erase any potential resistance

Registus said, “Remember, do it quietly. Don’t let the news slip.” 

When Noir returned to Yatburg, he summoned all the Eight Commanders for a meeting

Captain Black Hawk” 

Where’s the Wolf King?” 

Captain Black Hawk, didn’t the Wolf King come back with you?” 

Is the Wolf King rehabilitating in Murrfield? When will he be coming back?” 

Fenrir and the other commanders panicked when they did not see Andrius

The Lycantroops were engaged with the Western Alliance in a serious war, and they had lost many elite soldiers

On top of that, Registus set them up and took out a number of their generals

Now, the Wolf King went off to search for the cure and did not come back

The entire Lycantroops were discouraged and depressed


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