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Three Fated Hearts by LNC novel Chapter 94


I bounce in the bed, making me wonder if I’m back on the plane. The journey to the wedding was bumpy at best. “MOM!” I feel an arm around me, and the comfort is wonderful. I pop an eye open and look at my daughter. She’s so beautiful; love and happiness agree with her.

I owe her so much in the way of an apology. I feel I could have done more to stand up for her, but I was scared. Stuart could always be a more than opposing figure and could be abusive if he deemed it necessary. I let my fear take over, and that caused me to not be there for my daughter like I should have been.

I trail my eyes down my daughter’s body until I see the baby bump. My eyes start to mist while I reach out and touch her belly. My baby is having a baby, and I’m beyond excited. I can’t wait to be a grandmother. Tia moves my hand around her belly until I feel movement. I look up at Tia, and she has a massive smile on her face. “Baby missed its grandma.” I laugh and wipe my eyes.

“No….no not grandma. I don’t like that.”

“What do you want to be called?”

“I don’t know. I will think about it and let you know.” I hear a grumble and stop. I know it wasn’t my stomach. Tia is blushing and holding her belly.

“I guess I need to eat.” I laugh and get out of bed.

“Let me just throw some clothes on and I’ll join you.”

Tia and I talk on the way to the dining room. She filled me in on all I missed while I was gone, which wasn’t much. I never really left the pack often over the years, but after everything that happened, I just needed some space.

When we make it to the dining room, the twins are sitting at the head of the table, and Tia’s seat is waiting between them. Lynn is also sitting at the table, and she gives me a big smile when she sees me. I take a seat at the table, and a plate is placed in front of me.

“How was your trip?” Landon is eating with eyes trained on me. Lincoln is busy feeding my daughter. It’s cute and gross at the same time.

“It was really fun. Exactly what I needed. I’m glad I’m back though. I wouldn’t miss the birth of my grandchild for anything.”

“I agree. I had to make sure I got back in time to see my grandbaby come into this world.” I feel my heart start to flutter, and I struggle to keep a smile off my face. I can smell Paul’s musk and just want to rub my face in it. Paul sits across from me and gives me a big smile. “Morning, Nikki.”

“Morning, Paul.” I swear my voice squeaked that out, but no one was looking at me crazy, so maybe I imagined it.

“Will you be going to the clinic today?” It takes me a minute to realize that Paul is speaking to me; my daydreams are taking up precious mental space.

“Uh, I may check in, but I don’t think I’m scheduled.” Paul nods at me, but something in his eye- I need to stop playing myself. There is nothing between us. Hell, our kids are fated to each other, so there’s that.

“How was the wedding, dad?”

Chapter 94 1

Chapter 94 2


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