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Triplet Mommy’s Triumphant Return by Quinn Hart novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 

Where did 

this formation? Is it true?” 

d you get

Melanie sat at the wide desk and in the CEO’s office, looking at the documents in her hand

Yes, it is. It’s said that Zack Jones, the owner of the Vision Museum, announced it himself in public.” 

Any information about the stuff he’s looking for? Porcelain, jade, calligraphy, or paintings? Antique 

or modern art?” 

Not clear yet,Jeff said with embarrassment

Hearing this, Angie, who was drinking coffee and playing with the computer, suddenly came over with a mysterious look

I heard that the man behind the Vision Museum is a big shot, Melanie.” 

How so?Melanie asked casually, busy with the documents

It is said that this man is very mysterious. Up to now, no one knows what he looks like

Moreover, he has a complex background and everyone in Zerivia who dares to mess with him. ends badly.” 

Really? Guess he treats the law as nothing, doesn’t he?” 

Melanie sneered at Angie’s description of that man

Yes, all I said is true. It’s said that he’s Roderick Lambert, the only son in the Lambert family.” 

That’s weird. You know his name but not his face.” 

Melanie shook her head and smiled

I’m not lying. There’s no picture of him online and no one had ever seen him.” 

Really? Maybe he’s not attractive,Melanie said carelessly


Angie thought for a while and became excited again

Anyway, if the Rising Star Auction gets in this time, we’re gonna get a big boost in profit, Melanie.” 

Jeff also nodded frequently, showing his agreement

Melanie looked at them and nodded speechlessly

Then go and find out what the Vision Museum’s preferences are and what it needs.” 

In the end, however, she was pulled to the Vision Museum by Angie

Chapter 13 

Melanie remembered that she had heard about this museum since she was a child, but this was her 

first time there

The museum covered an area of 108 thousand square feet

It was very rare for a museum in a big city like Beloris. It could be seen that its owner was both wealthy and powerful

In addition, the museum had a rich collection

There were collections of ceramics, jade ware, bronze ware, ancient calligraphy, paintings, modern artworks, and so on, covering almost all times

They were so immersed in the artworks that they forgot what they were there for. 

Later, they came to the pet exhibition area. All kinds of small animals made of ceramic and jade made them linger

Wow, that’s so cute.” 

Angie stopped at a jade cat, reluctant to leave

I should have brought the kids with me. They’ll love it.” 

Melanie couldn’t take her eyes off a howling bronze dog

She used to have a dog like this when she was a child, and it barked very loudly

I heard that they sell replicas as souvenirs. Let’s buy some, Melanie.” 

Go ahead. I’ll stay here a little longer,Melanie said, obsessed with the artwork

When she turned around, she accidentally stepped on someone’s foot. She lost her balance, but luckily, she was held in arms by a man

I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” 

She hurriedly got up from the man’s arms and apologized

However, she didn’t hear a word from him

Instead, she was surrounded by a familiar and light fragrance

She looked up in confusion and saw his brown eyes

The man in front of her looked very handsome and uniquely noble

He looked both knowledgeable and arrogant

He had a delicate face and a beautiful nose. At this moment, he was staring at her with meaningful 


We’ve met before.” 

Chapter 13 

His voice was as attractive as wine


Melanie widened her eyes in puzzlement

Have we met before?” 

Yeah. On the plane.” 

The way the man stared at Melanie made her mind go blank for a moment

She suddenly recalled the warm palms on the plane back home, then she blushed instantly

It’s you.” 

The man stepped closer and said in a low voice, How are your eyes?” 

They’re good. Thanks for asking.” 

Melanie smiled and took a step back

Do you have anything else to say? I have to go now. My friend is waiting for me.” 

Melanie turned around and left without looking back

For some reason, she felt that it was about 31 thousand miles from the exit

She could feel his gaze at her and he seemed to see through her

It felt so strange

She had seen countless men these years

However, no one had ever put her under such stress

In particular, the strange familiarity left her a little overwhelmed

He was indeed handsome, just like her kids

He had brown eyes too, and even his face was a bit like theirs

Melanie shook her head repeatedly at this thought

She thought, How can I compare him with the kids? That’s ridiculous

Putting aside her weird thoughts, she began to think about what the Vision Museum was looking 


What she didn’t know was that as soon as she left, the man was surrounded by several women

Is she the girl Michael was talking about, Roddy?” 

Emma Lambert yelled excitedly

Chapter 13 

We saw you hold her, Roddy. Is your allergy healed?” 

Jennifer Lambert tried to grab Roderick’s arm

Rachel Lambert also rushed forward, trying to grab him

Let me see. You hugged her just now.” 

Roderick moved away hurriedly, saying, No. Don’t touch me.” 

However, he dodged Jennifer and Rachel but was grabbed by Emma

In an instant, his white arms turned red

Jennifer hurriedly took out the medicine from her bag and sprayed it on Roderick’s wrist

My poor boy. When can I have a grandson?” 

Emma also apologized, I’m sorry, Roddy. I didn’t mean it.” 

It’s so weird. I saw you hug that girl just now, but you didn’t have allergies.” It’s so 

Rachel screamed as if she had found something surprising


Roddy. Are you” 

Roderick ignored the questions from his mother and two sisters and thought about something


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