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Triplet Mommy’s Triumphant Return by Quinn Hart novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

Rachel, who was driving also noticed two people on the roadside

What’s going on? Why is there someone stopping us at the gate?” 

Rachel murmured, slowing down the car

When she drove closer, she saw a cute boy raising his little arm.. 

She rolled down the window subconsciously and looked at him

Where are you from, kid? Why did you stop us?” 

I’m looking for my dad.” 

Your dad?” 

Rachel looked Elias up and down, having a strong affection for him

We don’t have your daddy in the car.” 

She stared at Elias and felt that he looked familiar

She thought that he must have come to the Lambert Manor with his elders. He must be lost so he was here looking for his dad

Therefore, Rachel turned to Luke and said, Take care of this little gentleman. Although only the Lambert family’s cars pass by, it is dangerous for him to do such a thing.” 

Hearing this, Luke stared at Rachel in silence and pulled Elias behind him to protect him

Rachel didn’t say much. She smiled, started the engine, and drove into the Lambert Manor

Finally, Jennifer in the backseat of the car was calmed down by Emma

Where did that kid you were talking to come from, Rachel?” 

I don’t know. He just said that he was looking for his dad

He looks so cute. I think I must have seen him before.” 

Jennifer sighed and said, I’ll die happy if Roddy has such a child.” 

Having realized that Jennifer was about to cry again, Emma comforted her immediately. 

Aren’t you curious about that girl? Let’s ask Bill. He must know something about it.” 

You’re right. He and Richard follow Roddy every day and they must know everything about it.” 

Jennifer walked to the living room quickly

Emma and Rachel looked at each other, feeling relieved that they finally got rid of Jennifer

Chapter 15 

At the same time, Angie hacked the traffic surveillance and found out where Elias was

Got it. Melanie. They’re on the Cloud Avenue.” 

“What’s that place? Why is Elias there?” 

Well, let me check it out

FmIt doesn’t look like an ordinary road. The Lambert Manor is the only building on the Cloud Avenue and the Lambert family is said to be the most respected family in Beloris.” 

What was Elias doing there?” 

Melanie drove the car quickly towards the Cloud Avenue

You have to ask Elias,” 

However, they didn’t get anything from Elias until they took him back to the Harbour Villa

What happened, Luke?” 

Melanie looked at Luke angrily

Mr. Thomas said that I should listen to Elias. I can’t tell you unless Elias allows me to,Luke stood straight and said seriously with his checks puffed out

Melanie was so pissed that she wanted to kick him

She held it back after thinking for a while

She didn’t have to be mad at a child

Therefore, she rubbed her forehead helplessly and looked at the three kids

Pack their things up and send them back to the island tomorrow, Gary.” 

Hearing this, the three kids all got upset

Elias, who had been lowering his head in silence, rushed into his bedroom and cried out loud

Angie felt bad for him

Do you have to send them away so quickly, Melanie? You have Roy, Sam, and Luke protect them. They’ll be fine.” 

What makes you so sure about that? I don’t need them here if it’s safe for the kids here.” 

Melanie looked at Edward and Ethan

Go comfort your brother, kids. I’ll send you back to the island tomorrow. That’s where you should 


The two kids nodded reluctantly

Chapter 15 

Although Ethan was a naughty boy, he tried to act like an adult when he was with Melanie, and so 

did Edward.. 

Melanie went to the Rising Star early the next morning to deal with an urgent task

However, as soon as she entered the company, she was stopped by Steve

Listen to me, Mela.” 

What are you trying to say?” 

Melanie sneered and said, What else do you want to say to me? Are you gonna say that Vanessa has nothing to do with this?” 

Steve froze

That’s not what I want to talk about, Mela. I’m here to tell you a piece of good news.” 

Good news? Good news from you?” 

Melanie looked at Steve with a faint smile, feeling extremely disappointed in him

When she was a child, she always thought that she had an ambitious and handsome father

She used to think that he and her mother made a perfect couple

However, she began to realize that she was wrong

Although he had always considered himself an art dealer, he had never acted like an artist in all his years of working with it

The drooping eyelids and puffed belly showed that he had been living a dissipated life for decades

She was sick of that

Why would I lie to you, Mela? You’re my daughter.” 

Steve smiled obsequiously

Shall we go inside to talk about it? I was gonna tell you last dinner.” 

Melanie didn’t want to talk to him, so she led him to the meeting room

Why don’t we go to your office, Mela?” 

It’s quiet here and no one can hear us. It’s a perfect place for talks.” 

Melanie sat down casually and looked at Steve, ready for the good news 

After meeting with him a few times, she got to know him better


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