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Triplet Mommy’s Triumphant Return by Quinn Hart novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

Melanie decided to completely ignore Roderick. She closed the door and went to sleep

This mansion was not as good as the residence of the Lambert family, where, everyone had a single house

But there were enough spare rooms for guests

Because of Melanie’s intermittent insomnia, her bedroom was on the first floor

Once Melanie closed the bedroom door, she could hear nothing upstairs

Melanie was still resentful. He thought, Well, I’ll leave the babies to him tonight

Doesn’t he like babysitting very much anyway? Well, take care of them until you’re bored.’ 

Thinking that Angie hadn’t come back yet, Melanie was a little bit confused

Melanie thought, Is it really so much fun hanging out with Michael? Do they have that much to talk about?‘ 

At that moment, Angie happened to send her a message. Melanie immediately became furious

Angie: [Melanie, I won’t be back tonight. I hope you and my cousininlaw will get along well with each other. Have a nice evening.

Melanie thought, What is this nasty girl talking about

What cousininlaw? Get along with him?” 

Melanie was furious when she thought about Angie’s expression when Angie betrayed her

She immediately called Angie but Angie’s phone had already been turned off

Melanie shouted, My goodness! What kind of people are they?” 

Melanie threw her phone aside furiously

Somehow, Melanie couldn’t fall asleep tonight


Chapter 60 

Melanie got up and turned off the light. She kept her eyes wide open and could not fall sleepy at all

It was already 11 o’clock at night. Melanie listened silently with her ears pricking up for a while and found it was dead silence outside her room and upstairs

Melanie muttered, Gary must have arranged a room for him, right?” 

Melanie’s mind was full of Roderick’s face

She rolled over a few times and murmured, I wonder if he’s asleep now? It’s late. He must have fallen asleep.” 

Thinking about Roderick, Melanie blushed and felt her heart beating faster

In the past years, what happened on that night seven years ago flashed through her mind from time to time so her memories about it become even clearer and clearer

Melanie used to think that she would never see Roderick again

Melanie never expected that after so long a time, she would be sleeping in the same house as him

Melanie sighed, Life is full of surprises!Finally, she drifted into sleep

After a while, in her dream, Melanie seemed to hear a fight in the hall

At first, Melanie thought it was Roy and Sam. She thought they were deprived of sleep and were having a competence

Why don’t you go to the practice room if you really can’t fall asleep?Melanie. murmured. She rolled over and fell asleep

Suddenly, Melanie heard some loud bangs among the sound of the fight

Melanie woke up immediately


She heard another one

Melanie was familiar with this kind of sound

14:24 Sat, 16 Mar 

Chapter 60 

It was the dull sound of a violent collision of strong muscles

Melanie shouted, Why did Roy and Sam suddenly become crazy in the middle of the night? Do they have to do it so fiercely?” 

Melanie couldn’t fall asleep at all now. She had to sit up and complain about them

Melanie put on a homewear jacket, planning to find out what was going on

When she walked to the hall, she saw Darrin confronting the two men in black! Melanie cried, Darrin?” 

Darrin was dressed in black too. His tired and stubborn look slightly showed his anger

Melanie said, Darrin, it’s really you! You’re back!” 

Melanie rubbed her eyes and walked closer to Darrin

Darrin answered in a deep voice, lowering his head slightly, Ms. Robertson! Sorry that I’m too late!” 

Melanie asked, You don’t have to say sorry. Did you come back overnight? Have you eaten anything yet? Are you hungry? I’ll ask Gary to make some noodles for you!” 

Melanie didn’t notice Roderick’s angry face at all

Darrin still replied respectfully, Thanks but no need, Ms. Robertson!” 

Roderick, sitting on the sofa in front of Darrin, clearly saw that when Darrin raised his head slightly to look at Melanie’s face, Darrin looked a bit wistful before he lowered his head again

Melanie said, Well, okay. Make something to eat for yourself when you’re hungry.” 

As Melanie spoke, she just looked up

Roderick was sitting on the sofa in the middle of the hall. His face was sullen and his eyes were dull, making it difficult for other people to figure out what he was thinking about

Two tall men in black stood at Roderick’s sides. Based on their muscles, they were welltrained and strong

14.24 Sat, 10 Mar 

Chapter 601 

Melanie asked, Did you have a physical fight just now?” 

Melanie glanced at Roderick as she spoke

Melanie introduced Darrin to Roderick. This is Darrin. You’ve seen him before. You should be friends. Don’t do that again!” 

Then she glanced at Darrin

Melanie said to Darrin, Go back to sleep. He is Ethan’s father. It’s safe with them!” 

Hearing this, Darrin glanced at Roderick coldly and left without saying a word

Roderick raised his hand and the two men in black beside him turned around and left silently and mysteriously as if they were ghosts

When Melanie was about to go back to sleep, she was surprised to hear Roderick’s magical, mellow, and deep voice again

Roderick asked, Why is he here?” 


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