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Triplet Mommy’s Triumphant Return by Quinn Hart novel Chapter 68

pter 68 

YYouMelanie stammered. She stared at Jeff, speechless

She suddenly felt that she didn’t know what she could do about this kind of ridiculous behavior at all

Melanie thought. The worst thing is that Roderick is so everywhere

First, he played up to Gary. Even Angie and Enzo tried to put in a good word for him

Now he is targeting Rising Star and has already casually bought off everyone here

They even started to betray me, their boss, the CEO of the company!” 

Jeff said, Ms. Robertson, after Mrs. Lambert sent Lavazza coffee here last time, everyone knew about it

We know that you and Mr. Roderick Lambert got married secretly a long time ago and you already have children. You just haven’t announced it publicly yet” 

Listening to Jeff’s babbling, Melanie felt a headache and a violent drumming in her temples

Melanie thought, What the hell is going on

When did I marry Roderick

Wait! They know we have kids

Who made it leaked out?” 

Melanie said, Go out and shut them up with the coffee! Now!” 

Melanie closed her eyes and repeatedly waved her hand to drive Jeff out

She wanted to be alone

Melanie thought, All right, Roderick, what kind of tactic is this

You can’t achieve your goal internally so you decided to take external means

Are you trying to use public opinion?‘ 


12-22 Mon, 18 Mar 

Chapter 68 

Just as Melanie was analyzing it angrily, her personal phone rang

Melanie thought it was a call from Roderick. She wanted to reject the call and throw it away

But she looked down and was shocked when she saw the number

Melanie was puzzled and picked up the phone. She murmured, Police station of Kdeal? What’s this about?” 

She heard a strange male voice. Are you Ms. Melanie Robertson?” 

Melanie said, Yes, and you are” 

We’re from the police station of Kdeal. Ms. Angie Thomas is detained here. Please come here now!” 

Melanie said, Angie? She’s in the police station?” 

Melanie was totally confused. Excuse me, but what did she do?” 

The man on the other end of the phone said, It’s a bit serious. Please come to the police station and you’ll know!” 

Then the man hung up in an instant

Melanie called, Hello?” 

Melanie almost thought she was having an allusion if she was not looking at the records on her phone

Melanie thought, Isn’t Angie in Beloris

Why did she go to Kdeal and get arrested

Where is Michael? Wasn’t she hanging out with Michael? What did she do?” 

Immediately, Melanie became very anxious

If there were still people who could cause Melanie’s mood swings. Angie must be one of them

Angie was not only Melanie’s cousin but also her best friend

Chapter 68 

If anything bad happened to Angie in Zerivia, Melanie could never forgive herself

Melanie grabbed her phone, about to call Michael. Only then did she realize that she didn’t have Michael’s number

So she called Angie. But Angie didn’t pick up her phone

Instantly, regret and anger overwhelmed Melanie

She thought she should have called Angie in the morning

She thought it was all her fault. She didn’t understand why she didn’t call Angie in the morning. She completely forgot that her cousin Angie didn’t come back last night

Melanie thought angrily, It’s all because of Roderick!” 

Suddenly, an idea occurred to her: call Roderick

She thought Roderick definitely could get in touch with Michael so that she would know what had happened and be prepared for it

Thinking about this, Melanie dialed Roderick’s number, worried about if Roderick would answer the call

However, the phone was picked up in no time

Roderick said, Mela!” 

Before Melanie realized that the call’was already answered, she heard Roderick’s mellow and deep voice

Melanie said, Give me Michael’s number. I don’t know if he is with Angie. The police of Kdeal just called me and said Angie” 

Melanie’s words were a bit confusing because she was too anxious

She didn’t know why Angie was arrested by the police but the police had called her, which meant that it was pretty serious

Before Melanie could finish her words, she heard Roderick’s mellow and deep voice again

Roderick said, Mela, don’t worry. I’m downstairs at the office of Rising Star. Come 



Chapter 68 


Somehow, Melanie suddenly felt like she finally could rely on someone hearing his gentle and deep voice

She went downstairs and hurried out of the gate of the office building and saw 

three luxury cars parked in the front parking lots, which attracted a lot of people’s attention

Seeing this, Melanie felt a headache

Suddenly, the door of the car in the middle was opened. Roderick’s long leg stretched out and he walked out of the car

Melanie was nervous when the crowd gathered around the cars

She heard someone screaming, He’s Roderick Lambert!” 

Without hesitation, Melanie hurriedly trotted to Roderick

Melanie said, Get into the car. Now. Let’s go!” 

Roderick grabbed Melanie’s hand

Roderick said, Don’t worry. Mela, it will be fine.” 

Melanie said, Hurry up! Let’s go now!” 

Some people even took out their phones. It seemed that they were taking photos. of Roderick and Melanie


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