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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 

Winnie’s voice, although not loud, cut through the noise, clear for all nearby and livestream watchers to hear

The bickering couple stopped dead in their tracks at her words

Every head in the vicinity. Carter included, swiveled toward her

No surprise there, the implications in Winnie’s statement were loaded

You’re talking about a dark auraWhat kind of aura?the boyfriend asked, his face a mask of confusion as he turned to Carter

Then, as if struck by a sudden realization, he hastily pulled his girlfriend away from Carter

The girl, momentarily forgetting their quarrel, clung to her boyfriend’s arm and hid behind him

At the same time, the viewers on the live stream were more concerned about what Winnie had just mentionedthe dark aura hovering around the owner

Mervin had mentioned feeling a faint presence of malice earlier, and now he strode up to Winnie, asking. You’re saying this is coming from Carter? How could that be?” 

From his perspective, Carter was just an average Joe, someone who wouldn’t be touched by 

dark forces

Carter was looking rather pale, his gaze fixed on Winnie as he asked, Ms, Bryant, what exactly are you implying? Are you saying their argument is my fault? How is that possible?” 

Carter was aware of the show’s theme for the episode and was genuinely curious too, which was why he had agreed to work with the crew, But he never expected Winnie to pin the blame on him. It felt like a wild accusation

Now, with everyone including the production crew and guests crowding the mountain path, all eyes were on Winnie, waiting for her to clarify

Just as she was about to speak, a sharp scream sliced through the mountain air. The sound, laden with terror, seemed to echo off the hills, drawing everyone’s gaze in its direction. They saw, not too far away, a figure tumbling down the side of a cliff

Ah! Someone just fell down there!Another woman from the group cried out in alarm

The camera, always following the eyes of the cameraman, caught the moment a shadowy figure fell

The live audience, along with those onsite, all screamed for someone to call 911

With such an emergency, the discussion about the dark aura was forgotten. If someone had truly fallen, the priority was to rush to their aid and call for emergency services

The cliff wasn’t far from where they were, and the group, along with the crew, hurried to the 

Chapter 165 


The trails up Golden Horizon Hills were many, and this particular cliff was near a winding road favored by those who started their hike midway by car

When Winnie and her entourage reached the bottom of the cliff, local park staff and a few tourists were already gathered around a fallen hiker, clearly there to assess the situation

As Kane neared, he spotted the color of the injured hiker’s clothing a familiar hue that caused his heart to flutter, abruptly reminding him of someone he knew

When the crew got closer, the crowd parted, and the camera got a clear shot of the fallen hiker. Everyone gasped in shock

It was none other than Sara, the woman Winnie had ominously warned about a severe threatwhen they met at the restaurant

As the staff moved to help her, Carter stepped forward, stopping them

Don’t move her just yet. A fall like that could mean fractures. We shouldn’t reposition her until the paramedics arrive,he said as he moved closer. I’ve got first aid training; let me take a look at her.” 

Carter was a bit of a local celebrity at Golden Horizon Hills, recognizable to some of the park staff who readily took his advice and stepped back

Winnie followed Carter closely, and her cameraman was right on her heels, capturing Sara’s condition perfectly

Thankfully, even though Sara had fallen from a considerable height, her condition wasn’t as grave as everyone had feared. She was a bit roughed up, but completely aware, and she seemed to be in decent spirits

Upon seeing Winnie, her eyes brightened with desperate hope, her hand clutching something tightly

Holy smokes! It’s the woman from the restaurant! The severe threat! Winnie was spoton again!” 

Hey, hold on! She’s not dead, just injured!” 

Didn’t Winnie give her something to save her life? Why is she still hurt?” 

What if she was really facing death, but because of Winnie’s charm, she only got injured?” 

Does that mean Winnie really saved her life?” 

Where’s her husband? Didn’t they check out of the B&B? Why are they still at Golden Horizon Hills?” 

As if to confirm the viewerssuspicions, Winnie stepped forward and gently patted her hand, speaking soothingly, You’re safe now.” 


Chamel 189 


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