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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 730

On stage, the officiant was narrating the love story of the two, from their births to the present wedding, which inevitably moved many to tears. Even Winnie's eyes welled up. However, Olivia and Sophia were smiling, and this time, Nona didn't shed a tear.

Behind Jasper and Ruby stood a line of bridesmaids, followed by a line of groomsmen.

After the officiant finished recounting the love story of the two, it was time for the siblings' performance. Jasper held Ruby's hand as they slowly walked down to the stage. Winnie followed behind, holding her skirt, and they all sat at the table together.

The audience below enjoyed their meals while watching the performances on stage.

The first act was a street dance performed by Liam, George, Olivia, and Sophia.

The second act was Olivia's solo dance.

The third act was a Latin dance performed by Nona and Cyril.

The fourth act was a rap by Harper and Kade.

The fifth act was a song by Jayden and Fynn.

Finally, Trevon's arranged performance group took the stage.

Below the stage, Ruby was amazed, gripping Jasper's hand excitedly. "When did they rehearse? I had no idea at all."

Ever since Sophia returned, she always came back late at night with Olivia, but Jasper didn't know what they were up to. Trevon always said they were studying. Now Jasper knew. They were secretly practicing dancing.

And it wasn't just one act, but many, all prepared behind their backs. The key point was that even George had prepared an act. Jasper was deeply touched.

At another table, the elders couldn't help but nod in approval. They sat at the largest table, which could accommodate over twenty people. Several elders were taking photos of their grandchildren on stage, even Grace couldn't resist taking some with her phone.

Next to them were Tucker's family, Jim's family, Terrell, plus Alex and Priscilla.

William was quite proud. "Cyril is really something, learns things so fast. He didn't learn this dance for long, but look how good he is. Nona is impressive too."

Charlie could tell William was about to boast again. "Jayden and Fynn's song wasn't bad either."

Rose whispered to Edward, lowering her voice, "Honey, I noticed Harper sings quite well. Did he inherit that from you? I think he definitely inherited my stage presence."

Edward chuckled. Rose was always so adorable. She could always make him laugh out of the blue. "Yeah, he does sing quite well."

Christina chimed in. "This is my first time seeing George dance! George's dancing was quite charming. But how come I've never seen you dance like that?"

Hearing this, Joseph smirked and looked at Christina. "I enjoy dancing with you."

However, Christina didn't think Joseph meant normal dancing together, glaring at him, only to see him grin mischievously.

At this time, Ava handed the developed photos to Frank. "Frank, take a look. Aren't they beautiful?"

"Yeah, they are. There is no need to take more. We will just have the photographer hand over the memory card and get the photos printed," Frank patted Ava's head and said with a doting smile.

Stella enjoyed the performance and also praised them. "That's great! These kids are quite talented performers."

One hour passed.

"Oh my, I'm exhausted. Dancing is more tiring than running a hundred meters." Liam collapsed onto his chair, feeling drained. Luckily, he was quite flexible.

Jasper raised his glass to thank everyone, and the siblings all raised their glasses in celebration. As the wedding concluded, Trevon and Hackett took the stage to thank everyone for attending.

In the end, Trevon called for everyone to gather on stage for a group photo, a grand finale to the wedding.

In the front row sat Angie and Charlie, Juana and Richard, Joy and Nathan, Caleb, Rachel, Daniel and Emma, plus Grace and William.

In the second row were Chris, Leia, Stella, Edward, Rose, Ruby, Jasper, Trevon, Natalie, Sherri, Hackett, Frank, Ava, Joseph, and Christina.

And standing on the steps in the back row were Jayden, Fynn, Harper, Kade, Dalton, Vincent, Liam, Olivia, Sophia, Cyril, Nona, and George.

As the photographer clicked the shutter, capturing the smiles on everyone's faces, those moments were immortalized forever. Every person in the photo had a genuine happiness radiating from within on their faces.

The elders finished their photos, and the younger generation got addicted to posing for the camera, arranging themselves freely for the photographer, striking poses endlessly.

Once the wedding concluded, the elders couldn't withstand the commotion and each went their separate ways, while the younger ones headed to the Wilson's residence for a party that lasted until midnight.

The next day, Sophia went back to work at the kindergarten. Her straightforward nature didn't suit the complexities of office politics. She preferred the carefree interactions with innocent children, finding it much more enjoyable.

The SAT day arrived quickly. Grace, William, Rose, Edward, Trevon, and Natalie waited at the school gate for the children.

As soon as the two children emerged, William asked about Cyril, believing Nona must have done well. "How did it go?"

Cyril glanced at his parents and other family members, quite confident. "I think I aced it."

William's trust was mixed with some doubt, thinking, 'You'd better have done well, or there'll be consequences.'

After the SAT, the kids were completely free, especially Cyril, who acted like a wild horse set loose, sleeping in every day and playing games. Not seeing Cyril at the breakfast table, Frank asked, "Is he still sleeping?"

William indulged Cyril. "Just let him sleep a little longer. He's been working hard for years. It's time to let him take a break."

Upon hearing this, Frank also indulged and didn't insist on Cyril getting up. After finishing breakfast with Ava, Frank went to the office, leaving Grace at home.

About a few days later, the SAT scores were released. Before Nona could check her scores, Ella called to inform her that she had achieved the top score, and Cyril's score just barely met Frank's expectations, narrowly avoiding a scolding.

On the day of college applications, both of them chose the nearby Athana University.

Cyril chose the same major as Liam and Harper, while Nona chose the same major as her mom Ava, also minoring in management. She wanted to help Ava shoulder the burdens in the future.

The day the SAT scores were released brought another piece of good news.

At the clinic, Ruby held the lab report in her hand, the values were elevated. Jasper nervously asked, "What's the result? Are you fine?"

Ruby handed him the papers, smiling brightly, very happy. "Take a look."

Even though Jasper didn't understand medical terms, seeing the elevated values gave him an idea, his voice somewhat broken. "Are you really pregnant?"

Ruby nodded happily, gripping Jasper's hand excitedly. "We found out late, and now we can even see the embryos. It's..." she gestured a number two in front of Jasper.

"What does that mean? At two months? That's not supposed to happen."

Ruby chuckled at Jasper's adorable confusion, gently patting his arm. "Of course not. It's twins."

Jasper stood still, a bit at a loss, then continued looking at the other papers, which showed two gestational sacs.

"How did it go? Let me see the test results."

Natalie took the papers from Jasper's hand, also momentarily stunned, then exclaimed in joy, "Twins? Ruby, that's fantastic. It finally broke the Turner family's rules. Jasper, why are you still standing there? Take Ruby home to rest."

"Oh." Jasper was dazed for a few seconds, then, like a child, he got happy in just a few seconds, reaching out to support Ruby.

His reaction amused Ruby again. She patted his arm to comfort him. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

"It's better to be careful. I'll tell Mr. Hackett and Mrs. Sherri." Jasper was still in shock and just remembered to call Sherri and Hackett.

Chapter 730 1

Chapter 730 2

Chapter 730 3


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