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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

In that moment, tears streamed uncontrollably down her face, drenching her clothes. The world outside fell into a deafening silence, and she couldn’t be sure if Brett had overheard her words But one thing remained crystal clear he had no concern for her life, and he would never care 

Izabella’s voice trailed off, and she hastily brushed away her tears, sinking down the door until she found herself curled up on the cold floor Biting her hand to stifle the urge to cry out, she fought to contain the pain that consumed her 

Her youth, her love, her marriageall of it had begin and ended with Prell 

Brett, I’ve loved you for sixteen years How many sixteen years are there in a lifetime? How can you hurt me by using my love for you

Izabella let out a miserable sob She hadn’t had breakfast, only a glass of milk, and her stomach was empty and aching from hunger 

Summoning the last remnants of her strength, she dragged herself towards the bathroom and retched into the toilet, feeling the acrid saliva scorching her throat 

Even after emptying her stomach, her abdomen convulsed relentlessly, and the relentless pain made her aware that she couldn’t endure without seeing blood Clasping her hand tightly over her mouth, she struggled to stifle the agonizing groans that escaped her

Izabella went back to her room and grabbed the two bottles of pills from the drawer. She would need them over the next three days. There was no purified water in the room, so she had no choice but to hold the pills and drink tap water 

Her esophagus was narrower than most people’s, and the dry, bitter taste of the pills lingered in her mouth. Swallowing four pills at once was difficult, but she had no other 


She couldn’t hold back a gag reflex after swallowing the pills The bitter taste lingered in her mouth, refusing to dissipate 

Izabella huddled on her bed, gripping her blanket tightly, as she anxiously awaited in the engulfing darkness. The once sultry weather had transformed into an icy coldness that threatened to drain her consciousness 

Her pupils dilated unnaturally, and as the room descended into deeper darkness, she sought refuge beneath the covers. Outside, thunder resonated with a booming force. followed by a momentary blaze of lightning that illuminated the room 

Her once cozy and inviting bedroom now appeared menacing amidst the storm. The wind howled relentlessly, lightning continued to illuminate the surroundings, and the thunder clashed overhead, as if the very fabric of the sky was being torn apart 

Ahh! Izabella screamed grasping her blanket, her body covered in a cold sweat 

In the pitchblack stormy night with fear running wild, she imagined monsters emerging from the ceiling and hands reaching out from under the bed, intending to grab her She dared not move, only holding herself tighter 

Bret Brett” 


BrettShe called out for him with increasing desperation, wanting to cut him out of her heart

No one responded in the empty room, the only sound the rumble of thunder outside

She felt abandoned, unwanted and forgotten

Izabella started crying again, unsure whether these tears were physical or emotional

Brett locked the door of the Quiet Forest Estates and left. His phone beeped with an alert: a weather report predicting thunderstorms for the night

Brett glanced at it before putting the phone back in his pocket. He knew Kaley was afraid of thunder, but what about Izabella? The girl who had the guts to defy him couldn’t be scared of storms, could she

Driving to Kaley’s house, his thoughts couldn’t help but drift back to Izabella, making him restless

He despised his lack of control, suddenly punching his steering wheel while waiting at an intersection

Kaley, who had recently recovered from an illness, appeared slightly pale. However, as soon as she spotted Brett entering, her eyes sparkled with delight

Her typically pallid complexion transformed with a newfound radiance upon his arrival. “Brett, have you had anything to eat?she asked, her face beaming 


Let me make something for us.The house was bought by Brett, who had also arranged for the finest ingredients to be stocked in the fridge

Watching Kaley bustling in the kitchen, he found his thoughts drifting back to Izabella 

He remembered the days when she would cook, waiting for him to come home and eat, but he had never once tasted her food

Kaley noticed Brett gazing at her, and as she turned to look at him holding a ladle in one hand, she smiled Brett, go sit in the living room. You can’t stand the smell of 


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