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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 171

The five-day preparation period passed quickly, and on the day of the trial, Izabella and Brett's divorce caused a huge uproar on the internet.

Reporters had gotten wind of the news early and staked out their spots outside the courtroom ahead of time.

The autumn weather was chilly, and Brett only wore a shirt with the top two buttons undone, revealing his collarbone.

Brett waited in the courthouse until the trial was about to start, when Izabella and her lawyer finally strolled in.

Izabella looked as thin and fragile as ever, with a pale complexion like she was recovering from a major illness. She was clearly the disadvantaged party in the solemn courtroom.

Brett saw Izabella first and slowly shifted his gaze to the man beside her, followed by a cold chuckle.

Mr. Arnold, who was standing next to Izabella, inexplicably felt a cold breeze.

Feeling the intensity of the penetrating stare, Izabella instinctively turned her head. She appeared worn-out, with pronounced dark circles weighing heavily beneath her eyes, leaving Brett taken aback by her appearance.

As Izabella caught sight of Brett, she swiftly averted her gaze in silence.

Mr. Arnold, noticing her expression, mistook her unease for nervousness and offered reassurance, saying, "There's no need to be nervous."

Izabella remained silent, her lips forming a forced, faint smile. However, it was impossible for her not to feel nervous, especially after witnessing the confident smirk on Brett's face.

Brett never lost a case. Since he had come here with that expression, it was obvious that he was well prepared.

Once both parties were present and the judge had gone through the identity verification process, he smoothly asked Izabella to state her claims.

Izabella stood up, her hand holding the complaint trembling slightly, showing how nervous she was.


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