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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 227

Izabella couldn't focus, one moment she was watching the movie, the next she was staring at the couple in the row ahead of her. Long story short, her mind was elsewhere.

Suddenly, Izabella realized that the scene in front of her somehow was blocked, becoming blurry and unclear.

The female lead in the movie was pretty pitiful; her young love, beautiful promises, and ultimately, all became deep memories in her heart.

She got Alzheimer's and forgot everyone except the person she loved, but in the end, that person abandoned her.

Unconsciously, Izabella put herself in the movie. Her memory was getting worse and worse, she thought that taking medication would help her recover, but she still hadn't returned to what she used to be.

She began to wonder if she had Alzheimer's too. If she became like the female protagonist in the movie, would Brett leave her?

Izabella fell into worrying, and her mind raced.

"Dummy," the man sitting next to her suddenly interrupted Izabella's thoughts and eased her pain a little.

As the movie continued, Izabella suddenly felt pressured on her shoulder. Startled, she turned her head, and it turned out that the man sitting next to her was leaning on her shoulder, fast asleep.

In the dark, Izabella examined the man's face in the weak light. His face was even more handsome than she had imagined, breathtaking upon first glance. His features were deep and beautifully chiseled, and his eyelashes were long. Izabella couldn't help but wonder what this man would look like with his eyes open.

Snapping back to reality, she felt awkward, patted the man's arm, and said, "Sir, wake up!"

The man's eyelashes fluttered, but he didn't wake up, merely snoring more heavily.

Frowning, Izabella tried pushing him off of her but didn't expect that he would suddenly shift and slide right into her embrace.

Izabella was dumbfounded. How on earth did he slip over even with the armrest in between them?

Izabella tried pushing him away and shouted aloud but failed to wake him up. She began to suspect that he was doing it on purpose.

The surrounding audience turned their heads to look at her due to the commotion, making Izabella feel helpless.

She couldn't cause a scene in the cinema, so she had no choice but to tolerate it and keep watching the movie. The movie was already three-quarters over, so there were only about 30 minutes left.

Izabella endured, sitting still in her chair. A few minutes later, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out with one hand and saw a text from Brett asking if she had eaten.

Izabella replied that she was still watching the movie. Due to her injured fingers, her reply was slow.

After sending the message, she put her phone back into her pocket and noticed that the movie was nearing its end. She had no interest in the outcome of the film, and ten minutes later, the movie finally ended.

Izabella sighed in relief, feeling exhausted from watching a movie the first time. She didn't leave immediately, as she was sitting in the last row, so she waited for the audience in front of her to leave before shaking the man lying in her embrace.

"Sir, wake up! The movie's over!"

The man finally sluggishly opened his eyes. His light brown eyes were hazy and alluringly mesmerizing, emitting a sense of mysterious sexiness and danger.

Waking up, his long eyelashes still had teardrops on them, and his hair was a bit messy.

Yawning with his mouth open, he sat straight, stretching his back, and looking at Izabella. He said, "Sorry, the movie was so boring that I couldn't help but doze off."

He grinned apologetically, "As an apology, let me treat you to lunch."

Although the man was very polite, Izabella couldn't help but feel a weird aversion to him and didn't want to get too close.

Initially, she was curious about his eyes, yet when the man's light brown eyes were opened, Izabella felt frozen with fear. In just an instant, she was chilled to the bone.

She didn't quite understand why she felt such fear upon seeing his eyes. She tightened her grip on the armrest in response.

"No, I need to go home," Izabella said, standing up and trying to leave but hadn't expected the man to suddenly grab her hand with a smile.

"We have such a great bond, can't we chat for a while?" Said the man.

"I have to go home," Izabella felt like her clothes were being stripped off from his glance, and the man's eyes were lethal. She felt her healing wound starting to hurt again.

Her ears were even filled with an illusion urging her to leave the place and stay away from the man.


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