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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 284

The hospital was in chaos as Brett was found to be poisoned. The only thing he had consumed today was the bowl of dark soup brought by Izabella.

The soup bowl was still on the table, with the leftovers sent for testing. The results came back quickly, revealing the presence of a weed killer ingredient in the remedy.

Upon hearing this, Adrian panicked. The weed killer was from his home. Recently, a lot of weeds had appeared in the villa's garden. After several unsuccessful attempts to get rid of them, he purchased a box of potent weed killer, which was lethal upon spraying. The weeds did indeed die quickly, drying up in less than two days. What he never expected was that while the weeds died, Brett almost got killed as well.

This powerful weed killer has a strong corrosive effect, capable of eroding tree roots, let alone human stomach and intestines. Fortunately, Brett was in the hospital when he was poisoned, and without delay, he was taken to have his stomach pumped.

If he were far away from a hospital, one mishandling or a slight delay could have cost him his life without knowing how he died.

Brett was taken into the operating room for gastric lavage. He vomited incessantly, acid reflux bubbling up constantly.

The process of gastric lavage is extremely uncomfortable. Unlike some surgeries where you can be put under full anesthesia and wake up when it's done, gastric lavage requires a stress response and induces vomiting. It feels as if there is a washing machine running in the stomach. Even Brett, who can endure a lot, turned pale from the pain, his body convulsing.

Adrian and a few bodyguards stood outside, full of worry.

"Isn't this a crime? Shouldn't we call the police?"

"We can't call the police," Adrian immediately denied this action. If Brett found out they were about to send his beloved to prison, they would likely end up jobless.

"Let's wait until President Windham comes out to decide."

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on the stomach-pumping room, fearing something might happen to Brett.

Halfway through the process, Brett felt his stomach easing a bit. Although it still hurt, it wasn't as unbearable as before, like something was corroding his stomach.

Typically, a powerful poison like what Brett ingested requires half an hour of stomach pumping. However, since the poisoning was detected early, twenty minutes was enough.

Brett lay on the table, vomiting. After he recovered some strength, he asked for Adrian.

Adrian walked in nervously, the first words out of his mouth an apology, "I'm sorry, President Windham. I should've kept a better eye on the weed killer, which madam took."

Brett looked awful, a combination of the pain from the stomach pumping, the tense atmosphere, and a certain fear.

"Thankfully, it was me who consumed the weed killer."

Adrian froze, suddenly understanding the meaning behind Brett's words.

"If Izabella had ingested it, I would've been done for," Brett said, his voice hoarse.

Adrian swallowed hard, realizing that Brett regarded Izabella as a treasure more valuable than his own life. He also felt a sudden fear. Thankfully, Izabella didn't drink the weed killer, and they hadn't impulsively called the police.

"Where is Izabella?"

"She went to the restroom," Adrian replied. Women tend to take longer in the restroom. They had all rushed over due to their concern for Brett, inadvertently forgetting Izabella.

When someone is in a state of anxiety, time seems to pass very quickly.

Brett tensed, suddenly becoming anxious, "She's still in there after so long?"

Adrian, growing old and slow to react, suddenly realized something was wrong and broke out into a cold sweat.

"I'll go find her right away."


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