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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 294

Brett's gaze at this moment was like looking at a pile of trash. Kaley broke out in a cold sweat on her back, and when a cold wind blew, she couldn't help but shiver. Her eyes were red, but it was hard to tell if it was from fear or the cold wind.

At this moment, Kaley felt like a criminal waiting to be hanged, the rope already around her neck, and with just one kick of the stool underneath her, she'd be dead.

But the video wasn't over, and the conversation she had with Nolan could still be heard.

--"Nolan, if you really care about me, help me get rid of Izabella. I hate her. Once she's dead, Brett will marry me..."

--"What makes you think Brett would marry you after Izabella dies?"

Hearing this, Kaley completely lost it, terrified to the point that her whole body was trembling, from her scalp to her toes.

Panicked, she screamed at the crew behind the stage, "Turn off the power."

But it was too late. What she said in the video reached the audience and Brett’s ears.

-- "Six years ago, Brett almost died from drowning. He thought I saved him... Don't worry, it's been six years, he won't find out the truth…"

Brett clenched his already white-cold fingers. His cold, hard face grew even colder, emitting an icy aura.

He couldn't believe the scene on the big screen. But his vision was blurred, and there was only Kaley's voice in his head.

"Six years ago, Brett almost died from drowning. He thought I saved him..."

That sentence hit him like a sledgehammer, leaving him stunned and feeling like his soul had left his body. He stood still for a good while without reacting.

Was it not Kaley who saved him that year?

Who could it have been?

Kaley looked as if she had been struck by lightning, sitting slumped on the ground with her intricate makeup unable to hide her fear. She struggled to her feet, fearfully retreating backward.

Brett grabbed Kaley's arm, squeezing so tightly it felt like he was going to crush her bones. Kaley's tears ran down her cheeks and onto the back of Brett's hand.

"Brett, it hurts…" she still looked innocent and pitiful.

His lips moved, but there was no sympathy for Kaley on his cold face, only disgust. His icy gaze was startling.

"Who saved me on Christmas Eve nine years ago?"

"I...I don't know…" Kaley shook her head.

She really didn't know who saved Brett. When she arrived on the scene, he was staring at the pearl earrings she wore, so he concluded that she had saved him.

Since there were no surveillance cameras and the police couldn't find any clues, Kaley simply admitted that she had saved him. To her surprise, Brett hadn't noticed anything strange in those nine years. But what she totally didn't expect was that the conversation with Nolan would be made into a video and played today.

Suddenly, Brett looked up at Nathaniel on the second floor.

There was no doubt that the video was Nathaniel's doing. Their gazes collided in the air, and the people in the room seemed to feel the tension between them.

Nathaniel leisurely walked down the stairs, "Brett, are you satisfied with this 'big gift' I brought on behalf of Izabella?"



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