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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 319

"Clear your schedule and start prepping for the role of Megan."

Had she made the cut? Izabella had the confidence to play Megan, but it never crossed her mind that Mr. York would pick her outright.

Showbiz was all about capitalism, they didn't give a hoot about your acting chops, they just cared if you can rake in the dough.

Izabella's rep was in the gutter, and her reviews sucked. If she were a producer, she probably wouldn't even cast a gal like Izabella as the most likable character of a TV show.

Megan's character was just too alluring, more fleshed out than the lead Malia. It would probably be difficult for the audience to accept Izabella taking on the role.

The producer was still reeling from Izabella's audition. Almost fell to his knees and shouted 'Hail to the Queen' when he saw Izabella sitting on that chair.

Upon hearing Brad's decision to cast Izabella as the supporting female character, he was jolted awake. Scared awake, more like.

If it weren't for the setting, he could've throttled Brad there and then. He lowered his voice and cautioned, "Mr. York, have you lost your marbles? You do remember who she is, right? That's Izabella!"

"I know she's Izabella."

"She's got scandals by the truckload."

Brad replied nonchalantly, "But she's a damn good actress."

"Her haters are relentless!"

"She's a damn good actress."

"She has zero fans. Literally zero."

"She's a damn good actress."

"She even had an affair with a director for a role. Don't you loathe those shameless, string-pulling actresses?"

Brad paused, stroking his chin. Izabella had an affair with a director? Now that was juicy.

He retorted, "You reckon her acting chops need to be bought with a roll in the hay?"

"Doesn't matter what I believe. it's all about what the audience thinks." The producer still tried to put up a fight. "Mr. York, how about giving her the third female character? She did a pretty good job with Anna."

"No, she's Megan in my book."

"I think she did a fine job with Anna. This isn't a one-man show, you've got investors breathing down your neck. You really want to piss them off for her?"

A flicker of impatience crossed Brad's face. He didn't hold back, and just blurted out, "Tell me, why does Anna become the villain? Why's she jealous of Malia from the beginning?"

In the initial stages of the script, Anna's character was a bit twisted. She was jealous of Malia's looks and tried to ruin her face later on.

The producer finally got the picture, his gaze flicking from Kristin to Izabella.

Seeing his awkward expression, Brad scoffed, "What, she's jealous because Malia is uglier than her?"

Kristin heard the exchange, her face turned sour. Brad's last comment felt like a slap to her face. Even though he didn't name names, everyone knew Kristin was the actress playing Malia.

The producer kept mum, and the room fell silent. Brad turned to Izabella, "You're officially our supporting actress. Go home and rest. We'll be in touch."

Izabella nodded, thanked him, and left the audition room.

Kristin was seething. As soon as Izabella was out of sight, she challenged Brad, "Mr. York, why on earth did you give Izabella the supporting role?"


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