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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 325

Tiara wanted to take Niki away back then, but Niki just wouldn't leave, insisting on staying in this empty villa.

Its limbs had been severely injured before, and even though it recovered, it still limped when it walked, a permanent scar.

The once beautiful cat was burned in a fire, leaving only one ear, and a patch of bald fur. Brett often glanced at the photo of Izabella holding the cat.

It was hard to believe that this cat was the same one as the beautiful one in the picture.

Niki became lonely after Izabella's death, eating and sleeping all alone. Its favorite places were where Izabella had been.

Brett tried to get close to it, but every time he was met with scratches and bites. Gradually, Brett let it be, only giving it cat food on time every day, and leaving the task of cleaning up the cat poop to the cleaning staff who came to clean the house every day.

After feeding the cat and giving it water, Brett went upstairs to take a shower.

He took a cold shower, revealing various scars on his skin from cuts and burns. Near his heart was the word "Bella", which he had burnt into his skin with a cigarette during a drunken rampage.

He didn't want to hurt himself, but in these three years, he could only remind himself that he was still alive through this method.

In order to satisfy Izabella's revenge, he had to live painfully until the end of his life.

After taking a cold shower, Brett lay down on the bed, thinking of the scene in the elevator. He looked at the wedding photo hanging above the bed and murmured, "If only it was really you..."


Izabella had a restless night, filled with nightmares of her previous life.

She woke up with a scream, holding her knees and trembling with her frail body, panting cold air through slightly opened lips.

It took her a long time to calm down. She wiped the cold sweat from her face and got up to drink a glass of cold water.

The sky outside was pitch dark, and it was already 5 o'clock when Izabella checked the time.

Rubbing her sore eyes, she didn't have the habit of going back to sleep after waking up, so she changed into sportswear from her closet.

She turned on her phone, and a new message appeared on the screen: an incoming transfer of 200,000. Although not a lot of money, it was enough to support her for a while.

Izabella first bought herself some suitable clothes, then repurchased the skincare products she had been used to using in her previous life.

After shopping, she sighed deeply. It was indeed good to have money.

Then, Izabella immediately went outside for an hour-long run. Her body was too weak, and with the lessons from her previous life, she was determined to exercise well this time, trying to beat the bastard or at least run away from him.

At 6:30, there was an old lady outside the community gate, selling breakfast with a small stall. Izabella bought milk and bread.

The old lady quickly packed the bread into a plastic bag and handed Izabella a cup of milk, "Young lady, you get up so early."

"I went for a run."

"Nowadays, it's rare to see young people who take such good care of their bodies..."

After listening to the old lady's chitchat, Izabella took her breakfast and left. Back at her small apartment, she put the breakfast on the table, washed her hands, and started eating. While chewing on the bread, she checked Twitter and suddenly noticed that the number of private messages insulting her had gone from 100,000 yesterday to almost 500,000.

Were netizens so idle now?

Izabella never understood the entertainment industry. To be honest, she was more suited to working in a company and being a career woman. Unfortunately, she didn't have the money to invest.

Once she made a few million, she would start a company and buy stocks.

Izabella was getting ahead of herself. She clicked on the "Discover" tab and saw her name on the trending list, although this was not unusual.


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