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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 34

The cop couldn't bear to break the news to Izabella that her dad was dead.

Brett, standing behind Izabella, spoke up, "Open the door."

The cop nodded, only cracking the door open. A strong smell of blood seeped out, and he stepped aside to let them in.

For the first time, Izabella was afraid to enter a room. She couldn't see inside, her mind replaying Alan's words to her on the phone.

Brett gently guided Izabella inside the room.

As they entered, their attention was drawn to a stretcher tucked away in a corner, concealed by a pristine white sheet.

The sight of it caused Izabella to grip the handles of her wheelchair tightly, inadvertently reopening the wound on the back of her hand.

She attempted to rise from her seat, but Brett intervened, urging her to stay put. "Please don't move. Let me wheel you closer," he offered.

Izabella shook her head in disbelief, unable to accept the possibility that the person lying beneath the sheet was Alan. She muttered softly, "No, it can't be him."

Alan had been an awful father, with a wicked temper and a penchant for favoring males over females, taking it all out on his daughter.

But when she was younger, he had held her, fed her baby formula, and changed her diapers...

Why did it have to turn out like this?

She opened her mouth, wanting to call out, "Dad," but couldn't make a sound.

Brett pushed her over to about one meter away from the stretcher, the smell of blood growing more intense.

Izabella stared blankly, her gaze shifting little by little from left to right, finally fixating on a ring on the exposed left hand beneath the sheet.

It was Alan's ring, his wedding ring with her mother. He had worn it for 27 years, never taking it off.

"Dad." She finally let out a sob, choking on her tears.

Izabella felt dizzy. She staggered as she tried to stand, leaning on the wheelchair handles. Brett reached out to steady her, but she pushed him away and struggled to move forward. After two steps, she collapsed to her knees.

Brett hugged her from behind, and she trembled with anguish in his arms.

Overwhelmed by despair, Izabella couldn't help but let her tears flow, her hands shielding her face. The weight of the situation threatened to crush her entirely.


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