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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 368

There's still half a month before the filming of "Blood Ties" kicked off. During this time, Izabella had been brushing up on her lines while hunting for a new pad.

"Blood Ties" was set to roll cameras in R City. Izabella had gotten used to life in R City, so she went ahead and bought a house there. The house needed a good chunk of time for renovation—at least a year—before it's liveable.

Izabella rented a two-bedroom place in R City; it's spacious and perfect for a cat.

Having money sure made life easier. With a packed schedule, Izabella hired people online to help her house hunt. The moving company showed up at the apartment and had everything packed up in no time.

By the time the rented place in R City was spick and span, Izabella moved straight in with Nikki.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed and the first episode of "Here Comes the Superstars" aired, and it was a smash hit.

Thanks to Ariana, Izabella, and Harper constantly trending over the past two weeks, a bunch of curious viewers tuned in to see what all the fuss was about.

At the same time, a lot of people were eager to see if Izabella's acting chops were up to scratch.

Izabella was an early bird when it came to dinner; she's done by seven, and after a stroll around the neighborhood with Nikki, it's exactly eight when she got back.

In her new home, she’s got a massive couch, which she and Nikki love to lounge on. The leather was soft, and it's comfy enough to double as a bed.

Izabella flipped on the TV and cuddled up with Nikki to watch the show.

Mr. Kane was definitely an ace director; his editing was super engaging, and the way he controled the camera, magnifying the artists' subtle expressions, made it easy to get lost in the drama.

Watching herself on TV, Izabella touched her face; it was kind of weird but not off-putting—a pretty novel feeling.

Izabella's face was, just like the director said, born for the camera.

With over 60 artists on set, the camera paned quickly, but the first face that grabbed attention was definitely Izabella.

Some people were just born to lead.

Izabella rarely watched reality shows.

As Izabella watched the show, she was also scrolling through her phone. The trending topics tonight were dominated by "Here Comes the Superstars", so all she was seeing was news about herself.

"About Izabella's acting in 'Here Comes the Superstars'."

The title caught Izabella's eye; she clicked on the post, and it was full of jeers.

"I like quite a few actors in this show. But Izabella really bugs me."

"Izabella's acting was trending a couple of weeks ago, so embarrassing. Is this what good acting is now?"

"She sat in the corner, didn't interact with anyone, didn't say hi. Totally rude."

"Even if Izabella was wrongly accused last time, why didn't Harper and Ariana turn on someone else? No matter how good Izabella's acting is, it can't wash away her whore label. We should stop liking her."

"Ariana and Harper are trash."

"Izabella's face is drop-dead gorgeous. Makeup is a waste on her."

"I just want to see if Izabella tries to seduce Casey. If she so much as glances at him, I curse her to go blind."

"It's really weird; they're making fun of Izabella before she even performs; aren't they afraid of eating their words, like Ariana did?"

"Whoever called her a whore, your manners must have been eaten by a dog. No, not even a dog would eat that; more like flies."

"How did so many Izabella fans get in here?"

"Do you guys really think Izabella has no fans left? Do you have any evidence that Izabella is a whore?"

"Izabella admitted it and apologized."

Izabella didn't care about the public eye; what did these people's opinions have to do with her?

That's what she thought until a few days ago. She didn't do things she's not sure about; she preferred to plan everything out and take it step by step.

Clearing her name was a priority, but it’s not the thing she's most eager to do right now.

But when she saw people defending her in the comments, she felt a pang in her heart—not for herself but for these kind-hearted people.

They've never met her, but they trusted her so deeply; how could she let them down?

The show hit its climax when Izabella took the stage.

On-stage special effects, lighting, Izabella's clear and fluent lines, her calm response to Harper's impromptu line changed, clutching her chest, holding the gun, and falling to the ground as the lights on stage slowly went out.


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