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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 371

And she spoke clearly, with obvious logic, which shew she's put quite a bit of thought into this.

Trying to take down X Entertainment from the inside was no picnic, with all the talent the company had on board, including the hotshot actress Kristin.

Casey's been sick and tired of X Entertainment for a while now. Even if Izabella hadn't turned up today, he would've made a move to wipe this company off the map sooner or later.

Others may not know, but having been in the entertainment business for nearly three years, he knew all about the ugly underbelly.

Take Izabella for instance; the company signed her with the plain intention of making her the fall guy. And what's laughable was that without a single photo, a clear video, or a recording, just a few lines on Twitter can control public opinion.

Slamming someone was as easy as pie; after all, cyberbullying ain't illegal.

Just like Izabella said before, it's like a pack of dogs in a village. One dog started barking, and all the others joined in, their yapping echoing all over the place, and yet none of these dogs had a clue why they're barking.

But in Casey's eyes, comparing these brainless netizens to dogs was an insult to dogs.

Mosquitoes would be a more fitting comparison. They were busy sucking people's blood, not showing a shred of remorse. Such a lack of decency.

For now, he can't buy out this company, and Casey knew he can't wriggle out of the 10% shares Izabella had given him.

"I'll arrange some people for you. Aren't you starting your movie soon?" he asked.

Izabella nodded. "Yes, I start shooting next week."

"Just focus on your movie; leave the rest to me."

Izabella trusted Casey to handle things. The 10% shares were still too little, so she planned to wire more money into his account.

They chatted a bit. Casey offered to carry the cat Izabella had on her back, saying, "You must be tired; let me help you."

Izabella glanced at Nikki, who was sleeping peacefully in the pet bag. "No need; she likes to be with me."

"Do you bring her with you while you're filming?"

"I'll hire an assistant to take care of her." Izabella immediately thought of Rachel.

"So, you've settled down in R City now?"

"Yes, I've bought a house."

"Where is it?"

"On the west side."


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