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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 416

"Are you guys thinking that as long as your parents are around, you don't have to face the consequences of your actions, and you can just break the law because you're underage?" Izabella smiled at the girls standing in a row.

Being a fan of a celebrity wasn't bad; if they can learn the good stuff from them, they'd become a better person. However, if they were doing immoral stuff or making mistakes without remorse just because they were a fan, that's messed up.

To Izabella, the way these girls were idolizing the stars was just a waste of time. They could've used their energy to read more books and broaden their horizons.

They can't choose their family, but knowledge can give them more options for their future.

"Exactly. Most of Kristin's fans are just like us; we're underage and protected by the law. What can you do for us? Even if you send us to the police station today, we'll still be hanging around your hotel and waiting outside the set when we get out. Better watch your face. Wonder if you'll still be flirting around when you're disfigured and messing up Kristin's life?"

The police were speechless. This wasn't fandom; this was brainwashing.

One of them raised his nightstick and shouted, "You think you're exempt from punishment just because you're underage? I'll send you to the juvenile detention center, and once you're 18, you're going to prison. You don't even comprehend the law, and you dare to spout nonsense. How did your parents raise you? Absolutely no manners!"

The girls felt a bit scared but were still defiant. They didn't dare to say much, but their glares at Izabella were full of ill intentions.

Izabella ignored them. Their actions seemed tough but were really quite harmless.

Leaning back in her chair, she picked up a glass of iced water and took a sip.

"I've been thinking that there isn't much I can do with a well-organized and disciplined group like yours."

The lead girl laughed and said, "You're getting scared now, huh?"

"Hold your horses; I'm not finished." Izabella cut her off. "I often hear your fans saying, 'The idol pays for what the fans do.' I didn't quite agree with that, but now I think it's fitting for you guys. If you don't want to let me off easy, then neither will your idol."

"What do you want, Izabella? Let me tell you, Kristin's about to sue the Blood Ties production team. They can't even film now. You can kiss your money goodbye. The company is still depending on Kristin to make money. Do you think they would piss off and abandon her for a nobody like you?"

"You just reminded me of something," Izabella said. "Soon she won't be able to make money for the company."

The girls were confused. "You think you can replace Kristin?"

The sound of a car parking outside made them think their parents were coming to bail them out. Instead, a stranger walked in. He was wearing a suit and glasses, carrying a briefcase. As he stepped in, he locked his eyes on Izabella.

"Ms. Salotti."

The girls were confused. When did Izabella become Ms. Salotti? Who was this man?

"Mr. Dixon, I'll leave them to you."

"Don't worry."

When the girls' parents arrived, Mr. Dixon professionally handed them the court summons. They were being sued for defamation, attempted murder, and threats.

The evidence was there, and there were recordings. They couldn't escape these charges.

The parents were shocked. They knew their daughters had done something wrong, but they hadn't expected it to be so severe!

An attempted murder sent chills down their spines.

The girls looked at each other, their faces pale with fear. They'd brought box cutters and waited outside the hotel to teach Izabella a lesson; they hadn't planned on killing her. Where did the charge of "attempted murder" come from?

The parents approached Izabella and said, "Ms. Salotti, they're just kids. They can't handle these charges! Please don't hold it against them!"

Izabella just smiled and said, "Not only are they kids, they're orphans. It's sad that they have no parents to teach them."

The parents were angry but held their tongues; some of them even lowered their heads in shame for failing to educate their children.

"We'll discipline them, Ms. Salotti. Please forgive them. They're not bad people; they're just brainwashed by their idol.”

Izabella nodded. "Yes, a group of girls threatening people with box cutters are good at heart. They're just naive, uneducated, uncivilized, ill-mannered, and stupid."

"Ms. Salotti, you're a public figure. Is it right for you to say such things? Suing these girls will just cause public outrage."

Izabella stood up, dusted off the non-existent dust on her shoulder, and said leisurely, "You're the ones who did wrong, not me. Why should I be afraid? If I dare to have my lawyer deliver you guys summons, I dare to send your children to court. If you can't educate them, the law will. Better start disciplining them while they're still young. You probably won't be able to do it personally in the future."

The parents had mixed reactions; some were scared, some were angry, and they immediately started scolding and hitting their daughters. The place was chaotic with cries, pleas, shouting, and slapping sounds.

Izabella stepped back to a safe distance and watched with indifference as the police stepped in.

"You little brats, kneel down and apologize. Do you want to go to the juvenile detention center?"

"Apologize to Ms. Salotti now. Admit your mistakes."

The girls sobbed, "We're sorry, Izabella. We were wrong."

These girls were immature and not kind-hearted. They said they were wrong and scared now, but Izabella was sure that if she forgave them, they'd do it again.


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