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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 441

Izabella glanced out the window. Despite the soundproofing in the room, the outside noise was still audible. A helicopter was slowly approaching the skyscraper, preparing to land on the roof.

The intercom was left on, and the voices of Nathaniel's men could be heard through the static, "Mr. Krueger, we've got intruders."

Nathaniel was too worn out to respond. He was using all his energy to fight the pain caused by the drugs. He strained to open his eyes and look outside the window.

"They found you already. You think it's Casey or Brett who's coming for you this time?"

Nathaniel didn't get an answer. He just chuckled weakly, catching his breath, and continued, "I bet it's Brett. After all, when I took you away, Casey had just stormed out after a fight with you. He's probably still steamed. No time to come looking for you."

"Izabella, you say I'm a bad guy, using people like disposable toys. But you are the same as me, playing with Casey's feelings, using him as a stand-in for that idiot."

"No." Izabella cut him off, "I know exactly who I like. I've never used anyone as a substitute for anyone else."

"So, you're saying you're into Casey?"

Izabella didn't answer him, but her eyes said it all. They were brighter than ever.

A loud crash interrupted their exchange. The sound came from within the room, like the shattering of glass, fragments hitting the floor.

Izabella stood behind Nathaniel, a syringe in her hand aimed at his neck, warily watching the room. She wasn't sure who'd barge in. As the footsteps got closer, she saw someone emerge from the room.

Her heart sank as she saw the face. It wasn't Casey.

Nathaniel chuckled, "Told you it was Brett."

Brett, in his shirt, with dishevelled hair and collar, looked more haggard than usual. His eyes showed anxiety, only easing slightly when he saw Izabella.

"Izabella, are you okay?"

"President Windham, please don’t worry about me. I'm fine."

"I came to rescue you."

"I don't need your rescue." Izabella was as cold as ever, guarded up like always.

She didn't need Brett to rescue her. She could handle herself just fine.

Brett's arrival only stirred up unpleasant memories. What difference would it make if he was here?

Something came to Izabella's mind. She asked calmly and coldly, "How did you know I was here? Have you been tailing me?"

"I haven't been trailing you. I knew you were here because I've been keeping tabs on Nathaniel. That's how I knew he brought you here," Brett explained. He remembered the scene five years ago when he failed to rescue Izabella from Nathaniel, resulting in her severe injury. He vowed never to let it happen again.

Seeing Izabella safe, Brett felt a bit relieved. However, Izabella's cold gaze made him feel an indescribable pressure.

"Come with me." Brett reached out to Izabella.

But Izabella didn't take his hand. Instead, she backed away with Nathaniel, "What's the difference between going from Nathaniel to you? Haven't I told you to keep your distance, Brett?"

Nathaniel joined in, "See these scars on me? That's what you will get."

If Brett still considered Izabella as the easily deceived girl from the past, he was sorely mistaken.

In these few hours, he finally understood. Izabella wasn't that pushover anymore.

"Can't I even love you, want to be good to you, Izabella?" Brett asked incredulously.

Izabella laughed, "You can choose to like someone, to be good to them. But I have the right to reject you. You can't force your feelings on me."

Brett's heart clenched, "What about Casey? Can you accept his feelings? Where is he now, after you disappeared for so long? Are you still hoping he'll find you?"

"You've no right to mention him." Izabella said calmly, "I told you I don't need anyone to find me. Speaking of Casey, did you tell him that I'm using him as a substitute?"

When Izabella fell silent, her quietness could be misleading, making her seem weak and helpless. However, when she dropped the pretence, she showed another side—cool, decisive, resolved.


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