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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 457

So, "Who's the Ghost" snagged the top spot of the trending list that day.

[Casey in the buff]

Compared to the hailstorm of criticisms for "Lost in Lumina" nearby, "Who's the Ghost" had a storming debut, scoring a whopping 91.

That 0.9 gap? All thanks to the trolls who had nothing better to do than to trash the movie. Izabella and Casey were flawless in this film. Anyone who had seen it can't help but sing its praises.

91 seemed a bit low for the die-hard fans. This movie deserved more eyes on it. It could very well be Casey's best work yet, with box office earnings that could potentially smash the 6 hundred million mark.

[I'm dubbing Casey and Izabella the surprise package. Who would've thought this 8 million budget movie could outdo its 30 million neighbor?]

[Are you sure this movie is any good? You're not just saying this 'cause you were paid off, right? A horror movie from a comedy crew, how good can it be? The joke's on you! Look at its first-day box office, doesn't even make half of what "Lost in Lumina" did.]

[Reply to the above, this movie is a gem. Best I've ever seen. Hackett blew my mind, brilliant! I'm not on the take. If I were, I'd be having nightmares!]

[I went to see 'Who's the Ghost' just to kill some time. Who would've thought it'd get me all teary-eyed by the end. The ending was a total curveball, had me laughing, crying, and scared out of my wits. Heck, I'm still a bit spooked just thinking about it.]

[Never thought a domestic horror movie could be this good. Hats off to the crew, you guys have ushered in a new era for horror flicks in our country.]

[Totally shattered my expectations. I was dissing this movie just yesterday. Who would've thought it'd turn out so amazing! Great script, amazing cast, Izabella and Casey are simply irresistible. The chemistry between them is off the charts! And let's not forget the script. I can't give away any spoilers since the movie is still in theaters, but this is hands down the best script I've ever seen. Kudos to the original screenwriter Bell Salotti! I want to know everything about this genius!]

[Go see it! Everyone, go see it! Casey goes shirtless, I'm getting nosebleeds just thinking about that bod.]

[Comments say Casey's showing off his upper body. I'm definitely not missing out on that. For a glimpse of Casey's hotness, it's all worth it.]

[I'm going for a rewatch. Whether they strip or not doesn't matter, I just want to test my nerves.]

[Casey's got guts, huh? Stripping in front of the audience?]


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