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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 467

Izabella gently nudged Casey awake, his eyes still heavy with sleep as he glanced at her. His mind was still foggy from sleep, but as soon as his gaze met Izabella's, his pupils instantly cleared.

"Awake?" His instinct led him to check his phone, seven in the morning. "It's still early, want to sleep a bit more?"

"No need," she replied, "Why didn't you sleep in the bed last night? Doesn't your neck get stiff sleeping like this?"

Izabella's question made Casey aware of the stiffness in his neck. He tried rotating it, wincing at the ache. It was the telltale sign of a crick in his neck.

Casey shrugged, trying to shift the focus, "We're not married yet, I have to be responsible."

"We're dating, isn't it normal to sleep together?" Izabella had thought herself to be conservative, but Casey seemed to be even more so. They had shared a bed before when he was drunk.

What Casey didn't dare to tell Izabella was that he was afraid he couldn't control his physical reactions sleeping next to her.

He wanted to give Izabella everything good, to make her feel secure, to give her the most perfect love in the world.

Yet, Casey had his insecurities. He was in his thirties, while Izabella was only twenty-two. They said that a three-year age difference might as well be a generation gap, but he and Izabella had crossed three such gaps.

Though Izabella was mature for her age, Casey couldn't help but worry about the age gap, afraid that Izabella would find him old.

"So, we can only sleep together once we're married?" Izabella's gaze fixed on Casey's earlobe, which was slowly turning a delicate shade of red.

Casey nodded, taken aback.

"In that case, we'd better get married soon." Or else, how long would she have to wait?

Casey was surprised, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift into a pleased smile.

Izabella stretched languidly in bed, sitting up and pushing the covers away. Her nightgown was loose, strappy, and slid down to reveal a generous amount of skin. Her soft, glowing flesh seemed like it would leave a mark if pinched.

Izabella, oblivious to any issue, looked like a well-fed cat, her eyes half-closed.

Just as she was about to get out of bed, Casey, sitting on the edge of the bed, abruptly stood, pulling the covers back over her.

Confused, Izabella looked at him, then at the blanket now covering her again, noticing the tremor in Casey's hand as he held onto the blanket.


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