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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 476

Universal Fashion was so audacious to slander Izabella, simply because she didn’t sign with any talent agency, with no influential background. The only entity that had any sort of connection to her was the Maple Group, a new enterprise, hardly a force to be reckoned with.

Vivian, on the other hand, seized the chance to announced her new endorsement deal with Universal Fashion. Her social media was flooded with congratulatory messages.

Her partnership with Universal Fashion was secure, and Vivian was ecstatic, as was her agent. Just a short while ago, Vivian had been the butt of jokes online, being called a box-office loser. And now, here she was, surprisingly, the first domestic brand spokesperson for Universal Fashion.

As her value as an artist increased, so did her agent's opportunities.

Her colleagues, all feigning sincerity, called to congratulate her and suggested she treat them to a meal.

Vivian, sitting at her dressing table, applying makeup, heard the news from her agent and let a smile play on her lips.

"Sure, why not? Make a list of everyone and pick a restaurant."

Just as her agent was about to select restaurants, a news notification popped up on her phone. She was about to ignore it when she saw the headline that left her frozen in her tracks.

Universal Fashion insulting Downstar.

Downstar has been implementing new policies recently and can't afford any controversies. The agent, looking at Vivian in the mirror, decided not to alarm her just yet. The headline was sensational, but the content was usually inconsistent. However, as she read further, her face paled.

Vivian, having finished her makeup, turned around to see her agent still standing there. "Marry, why haven't you gone to choose the restaurant yet?"

"Vivian, check the top search on your phone."

"What about it? Is it about Izabella being criticized?" Vivian asked, a sneer on her face. Nonchalantly, she opened her phone, but sprang to her feet when she read the news.

"How could this happen?"

The one being criticized was not Izabella but herself. She fumbled to read the news further. When she was done, she felt as if she'd been dunked in ice water, shivering from the cold.

How could Universal Fashion insult Downstar?

She had already officially announced her endorsement deal with Universal Fashion. If she were to terminate the contract, she'd be liable for a hefty penalty. And worse, she could be labeled as "anti-national", which would potentially ruin her career.

Izabella's post on Twitter was crisp and to the point.

Had Universal Fashion claimed that Izabella was shamelessly clinging to their brand?

Izabella then released the text messages from Universal Fashion proposing a collaboration with her, along with a recording of Secretary Hansen rejecting the offer on her behalf.

And the reason for the rejection was clearly stated in the recording. The brand had crossed Izabella's red line by insulting Downstar.

After the recording, Izabella provided more evidence to prevent any further accusations of falsehood.

The brand's spokesperson had publicly insulted Downstar a year ago on social media, causing a stir. Universal Fashion offered no explanation, and the spokesperson hadn't apologize till now.

Not just that, Casey had found out Universal Fashion’s flagrant history, and the brand's chief designer had a fling with the spokesperson who insulted Downstar.

This designer had posted various seditious comments on social media, mocking Downstar’s cultural policy and espousing inland separatist forces, which were not just being personally dumb or blunt. It was related to the political stand.

The chief designer and the brand’s spokesperson had made such vile insulting words; how could administrators of Universal Fashion remain unaware? They just pretended to be oblivious, or maybe they had thought poorly of Downstar all along.

They looked down upon Downstar and insulted the citizens, and yet still intended to gain money in Downstar, which was ridiculously amusing.

Izabella's evidence was like depth charges, each more explosive than the last, instantly igniting the public's outrage.

On the issue of defending the country, there were no Internet trolls or contrarians. Everyone united to boycott Universal Fashion.

Vivian's misfortune was that she had just announced her endorsement deal with Universal Fashion when Izabella revealed why she had refused to collaborate with them.

The stark contrast between the two triggered conspiracy theories among the public, who quickly pieced together the entire situation.

Vivian had hinted at Izabella's collaboration with a luxury brand at her announcement event, prompting the public to guess. Once they guessed it was Universal Fashion, they started hiring Internet trolls, posing as Izabella's fans, all to discredit Izabella when Universal Fashion announced their real spokesperson was Vivian.

Universal Fashion, upset with Izabella's rejection, was itching to teach her a lesson.

But they didn't expect the tables to turn so dramatically.

If Vivian hadn't been so greedy, she wouldn't have ended up in such a predicament. It was her greed that led to her downfall.

Downstar's sovereignty is inviolable. Izabella's final tweet was a stern statement.

— Firmly oppose any attempt to smear or slander the country and human rights in any form.

Reporters saw the latest news and intercepted Izabella's car on the road.

The driver had no choice but to slow down and stop. Izabella, without any sign of impatience, calmly rolled down the window and removed her sunglasses.

The cacophony of voices poured in.

"Miss Salotti, had you foreseen that something like this would happen today?"

"Miss Salotti, regarding Universal Fashion's insult and slander against Downstar and you, is there anything you would like to say to them?"

Amidst the flurry of questions, Izabella clearly heard this one. She beckoned the reporter who had asked the question over, took the microphone, and announced, "Those who insult Downstar, no matter how far, will be punished!"


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