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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 484

How did he know the name “Lucas”? Who was Lucas?

Casey found himself drawn to a man just ahead of him. To satisfy his curiosity, he called out, “Lucas.”

The man turned, a look of shock quickly morphing into terror.

Lucas had heard his name called and turned to see the person. His face lost all color in an instant.

Casey was well-known, regarded as potentially best actor by online users. Even if Lucas didn't use the internet, he still knew of him.

He had been shocked the first time he saw Casey on screen. Upon seeing his face, his right hand where the artificial limb was seared him.

He had looked into the man who chopped off his hand. It was someone in the orphanage named Ryker Dempsey, a retard, who had been missing for quite long and had been presumed dead by the police.

There was an uncanny resemblance to Ryker Dempsey, but that couldn't be. He was far from retarded and was a gifted actor to boot. There was no way he could be the same man from the orphanage.

And then there was the matter of their temperament – it was different.

A person’s temperament was vital, and once it changed, the person would seem different. It was normal for him not to tell from the difference between these two.

After Izabella’s death, Lucas saw his severed hand as a mere punishment compared to what Izabella had suffered; imprison, depression, a miscarriage, a broken leg, and finally a fiery death. His pain was a fraction of hers.

Years had passed, and Lucas had almost forgotten about that man. That was until Casey had called out to him, causing his body to pause in shock.

Casey wasn't Ryker who cut off his hand.

Lucas kept reminding himself of that fact. But Casey's gaze was all too familiar, even if Ryker had turned to ashes, he would still recognize it.

His body trembled uncontrollably, and he subconsciously covered his prosthetic hand.

Casey noticed his movement towards his right hand, triggering a flood of memories; pinning a man to the ground, twisting his wrist, and without hesitation, plunging a sharp pair of scissors into his hand.

Casey shuddered, the unfamiliar memory leaving him in cold sweat.

Why did he know this man's name? Why did he know about his prosthetic hand? He was certain this was the first time he had met him.

But was it really the first time?

Casey started to doubt himself.

A sudden headache hit him, as if something was trying to force its way into his brain. The plane hadn't even taken off yet, but he felt the world spinning around him, causing him to feel nauseous.

Casey’s pale face was dripping with cold sweat. His mind felt like it was being stretched to its limit, ready to burst. He gripped the armrest tightly, his knuckles turning white as he trembled.

Ever since Casey boarded the plane, he had drawn the attention of the flight attendants, especially the stewardesses. They kept sneaking glances at him, feigning ignorance about his celebrity status, and addressed him as sir.

"Sir, are you feeling alright? Do you need any help?"

Casey couldn't hear a word. His mind felt like it was filled with water, causing a ringing sound in his ears whenever he moved his head.

He tried to speak, but his throat was dry. He pressed his fingers against his temples, attempting to relieve the throbbing pain.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lucas stand up, seemingly heading for the restroom.

The plane hadn't taken off yet. Casey let out a breath and managed to say, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I just need to use the restroom."

The stewardess quickly stepped aside, allowing Casey to rise from his seat.

Lucas was oblivious to the attention he was drawing and followed Casey to the restroom.

He splashed his face with cold water in an attempt to clear his head. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he numbly told himself, “Stop thinking about it. People can’t come back from the dead.” Ryker was dead, just like Izabella; long gone.

After visiting the cemetery, Lucas had been investigating who had visited his parents' grave, but to no avail.

The person described by the local store owner didn't match Izabella's appearance, age, or height.

He and Presley Felton had collected Izabella's remains from the J City Police Station. He had watched as Izabella was sent into the crematorium, coming out as nothing more than a pile of ashes mixed with bone fragments.

Healthy people had beautiful white ashes, but Izabella's were tinged with black.

He had watched as Presley scattered her ashes into the sea. Brett was also present.

If Izabella had survived, Brett would have been the first to realize.

But in the years following Izabella's death, he heard that Brett, a big shot in business circle, had aged significantly, his hair turning white overnight. He was no longer the proud and arrogant man he once was.

Izabella's death had changed many people.

Lucas had given up his old ways and was now an office worker. Presley and Amelia continued their research on cancer drugs, saving many people like Izabella who had stomach cancer. Even Jennifer, the maid Brett had hired to care for Izabella, had changed her profession and become a lawyer. The nanny, Tiara, retired and lived at home taking care of stray cats and dogs.

They were all making the world a better place in their own way, honoring Izabella's memory.

Lucas splashed his face with cold water again. His eyes were red from the water, making him look like he had been crying.

He wished people could come back to life. He had learned how to be a good brother, protecting his sister when she was bullied, fighting off the bad guys for her, believing in her unconditionally, and loving her with all his might.

A sister should be cherished and protected, not beaten and abandoned time and again.

Why had he only realized this after Izabella's death? It was too late, and God didn't give him a chance to make amends.

Lucas tried not to think about these things, but seeing Casey today had brought back a flood of memories. After splashing his face with cold water, he felt much better.

He glanced at his phone. The plane was about to take off; he needed to hurry back.

The moment the door swung open, Lucas was met with someone, causing him to stumble backwards.

Before he could react, Casey pushed him back inside, the door slamming shut behind them.


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