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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 492

Nathaniel, paralyzed from the waist down, leaned forward in his wheelchair, one hand seizing a fistful of Izabella's hair and pulling her towards his knees.

Izabella, forced to raise her head, suppressed the sharp pain emanating from her scalp, her chin resting on Nathaniel's knee as she stared at the syringe in his hand.

Nathaniel's smile was sickly, almost demonic as he leaned into Izabella's ear, his voice raspy and low, "Bell is mine, in life and death. Her body belongs to me. I will not allow her to be with another man."

Izabella felt nauseous at his words, but she had already emptied her stomach earlier and there was nothing left to expel. She took a deep breath, steadying her voice as she retorted, "You're not worthy, Nathaniel. Do you genuinely love Bell? She's been gone for over a year, and you had ample time to search for her, but you didn't. Only when I took her place, you showed up. Have you ever wondered why?”

Izabella's eyes were dark and penetrating, the upturned corners of her mouth forming a sinister smile. Nathaniel froze, his breathing hitched as he stared into Izabella's face, locking eyes with her. He wanted to silence her, to stop her from speaking any further.

However, before he could act, he watched as Izabella parted her lips, each word she spoke unveiling the secrets he had kept hidden deep within him.

“You want Bell to be strong and independent like me, yet at the same time, you want her to be docile and subservient, like a housewife catering to your every whim. But Bell is not me, nor is she the latter. She only wanted to be good to you because she loved you, but you grew tired of her gentle nature, deeming it weak, unworthy of a powerful man like you."

"You and Brett are the same, stubborn and arrogant, always trying to mold people into the image you desire, and when you can't, you destroy it. Are you really trying to get Bell back by forcing me here today? No, you're only satisfying your own selfish desires. Once she returns, you will revert back to your domineering self. You, who enjoys controlling others' lives, are destined to live a lonely life, never finding true happiness."

Nathaniel's eyes were bloodshot, "You're talking nonsense!"

"Then answer me, why didn't you search for Bell all this time, but only came to find her when I appeared? You couldn't possibly be in love with me, could you?" Izabella pushed on, not giving him a chance to catch his breath. If you think injecting that drug into this body could keep it here, then you are gravely mistaken. I can make this body so tainted that you wouldn't want to touch it. Try me if you don't believe!"

There was a conviction in Izabella's eyes that left no room for doubt. She had proven herself capable in the past, making Brett regret for the rest of his life, and she would do it again if she had to.

"Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

"Of course you can, but this body is mine now, and I control it. You can either kill me outright. But could you bear to do that, Nathaniel?"

Could he bear to do that? In Nathaniel's eyes, this body would always be Bell's. Even if Izabella was the one occupying it, it was still Bell's.

Her eyes had looked at him, her hands had soothed his aching head, her mouth had called his name.

He couldn't bring himself to harm Bell's body. He wasn't Brett, who could freeze his lover's body in an ice house. He knew that Bell's frail body couldn't withstand the cold.

But he couldn't accept Bell's body being with another man, let alone see her in a wedding dress, marrying someone else, or carrying another man's child.

Nathaniel's face was stone-cold, oblivious to the tears streaming down his cheeks until a droplet landed on Izabella's cheek, making it seem as if she was the one crying.

They were at a standoff, Izabella dared not move. Her only option now was to buy time, hoping that Casey would come to her rescue. She believed that he would find her.

Suddenly, a man burst in from outside, looking somewhat frantic. "Mr. Krueger, there's an intruder outside."

Nathaniel's grip on Izabella's jaw tightened, his voice laced with malice, "Who do you think it could be?"

Izabella remained silent.

"Mr. Krueger, there are quite a few people outside. I saw some police officers."


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