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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 494

"Are you out of your mind? This virus could kill you, and you're too young to die. You've got your whole life ahead of you. If fate has given you a second chance, you should cherish it, not squander it to die with me."

"I've been trying to figure out why I was given a second shot at life, and it wasn't until I met you that I realized why. My life is only worth living because you're in it, Casey. Without you, there's no point in living. This time, I don't want to watch someone important to me die."

Whether the virus was as deadly as Nathaniel claimed, Izabella didn't know. But it's too soon to be talking about death. She beat stomach cancer once before, thanks to Presley's research and groundbreaking cancer treatments, didn't she?

But if something were to happen to Casey, she wouldn't want to live without him.

In her previous life, Izabella suffered from stomach cancer and the torment of Brett, living a life that was worse than death.

Despite this, she clung to a sliver of hope. A tiny, fragile hope that continued to exist in her heart.

Like warm sunlight on a cold winter day, Casey brought light into her dark world and reignited the dwindling spark of hope within her.

He made her believe that there was someone in this world who would love her unconditionally, protect her no matter what. If Casey were to "leave," she'd want him to take her with him.

Nathaniel always knew that Izabella and Casey cared deeply for each other. But he underestimated the depth of their feelings.

Or maybe, he just forgot. He forgot about seven years ago, when Izabella endured the excruciating pain of having nails driven through her fingers to save Ryker.

Sitting in his wheelchair, with tears welling in his eyes, he watched Izabella and Casey as chaos erupted around them. His world turned dark and noisy, but in that moment, everything became eerily quiet. So quiet, he could hear his own breathing.

Nathaniel gripped the gun in his hand, focusing on one thing - destruction.

When Izabella looked up, she saw the dark muzzle of a gun pointed at her. She held her breath as a gunshot rang out, hugging Casey tightly. In a split second, a figure rushed forward and shielded them from the bullet.

A gunshot shattered the quiet night. Izabella's eyes widened in fear, her pupils shrinking to the size of a needle's tip.

Against the light, Izabella saw a tall figure collapse. As he fell, she saw his face and the world around her fell into an eerie silence.

Brett lay on the ground, his usually bright eyes suddenly clouded over, devoid of all light and heat. But his gaze was fixed on Izabella.

He watched as she and Casey clung to each other after the gunshot.

Only belatedly did Brett feel the pain. His chest was soaked in blood. He coughed, each cough bringing fresh pain and blood. He didn't want to cough up blood in front of Izabella, but he couldn't control it.


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