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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 512

The soirée was in full swing. Izabella cast a casual glance around the room, noting familiar faces among the crowd. Suddenly, her gaze landed on a familiar figure. As people came up to her trying to strike up a conversation, it was clear they were actually interested in her companion, Casey.

In the eyes of the others present, she was merely an accessory, Casey's arm candy, not even a fiancée.

In this world, they valued power or pedigree. To them, Izabella was merely a pretty face, a decorative flower to keep at home. Bringing someone like her to such a gathering was considered a faux pas.

Izabella’s gaze darkened as she stared at the familiar back. Eventually, the figure stopped, taking a glass of red wine from a waiter. As if sensing the gaze on him, the man turned around, his glass held high.


It wasn’t surprising to see him at such an event. The guests were all influential figures in the business world, and Brett, being the richest man in J City, had every reason to be there.

After Nathaniel’s death, previous shareholders had rallied behind Brett. He was the heir to the Windham Group, and now that he had decided to take over, it naturally fell into his hands.

Adding Nathaniel’s shares to his own, Brett now controlled eighty percent of the Windham Group.

His fame had been on the rise in recent months, and his appearance at such a formal event tonight was more attention-grabbing than the host, the Dempsey Group.

Two people accompanied Brett, one being Liam, the other his bodyguard, ensuring no one would get too close.

As Brett turned, his gaze met Izabella's. His indifferent eyes softened, and he lifted his wine glass towards her before downing his drink. Liam, too late to intervene, watched as his glass emptied, feeling a wave of anxiety.

“Mr. Windham, have you forgotten the doctor's orders? No smoking or drinking,” Liam chided.

“I know,” Brett replied, his voice hoarse.

“Then why.” Liam trailed off, noticing Brett’s gaze fixed upon Izabella.

Izabella, in her red dress, was engaged in pleasant conversation. Her face was adorned with a beautiful smile.

Liam was taken aback. He knew Izabella had changed a lot, but he hadn’t expected the transformation to be so drastic.

Even those who knew her best would be momentarily stunned by her appearance.

Was this really Izabella?

No, this was the Izabella they had first known. As time went by, they had forgotten what Izabella used to be like, thinking she was a bird with broken wings, on the brink of death, locked in a cage.

Brett’s lips curled into a smile. His gaze was distant, as if he was lost in memories, and his smile gradually turned bitter.

“Doesn’t she look beautiful?” Brett mused.

Liam nodded absently. Indeed, Izabella, though changed, was gradually returning to her former self, to the point where traces of Bell were nearly gone.

Izabella was living more like the proud and flamboyant woman she once was.

“Thirteen years have passed in the blink of an eye,” Brett sighed. Though he had gulped down wine, it felt like bitter medicine, the taste lingering in his throat.

No one feared medicine. What they feared was bitterness.

Even if Izabella no longer had room for him in her heart, Brett’s gaze still followed her silhouette. She was standing next to another man, her arm linked with his, like a bird relying on a person.


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