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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 518

Izabella had made it clear; she would not give Brett another opportunity to step into her life again.

She had been entangled with Brett for nine long years, and it had cost her her life. She wasn’t willing to die one more time.

Death was painful. Even now, Izabella could recall the searing pain when the flames engulfed her body during that horrible fire. But, if she had to go back to her previous life, she would still choose to "commit suicide".

The pain of death was nothing compared to being "imprisoned" by Brett. That was true torture, a fate worse than death.

Everyone thought she had moved on, but only Izabella knew the shadow of the past was like a wound that never healed; it never scabbed over, and the sharp pain was always there.

People like her, who had already died once, feared most to repeat the same mistake.

Izabella had long wanted to marry Casey, but he fell ill and needed recovery time, which delayed their plans. Just when he was fully recovered, the Dempsey family faced a crisis.

"If you really want to propose, you can do it now. I don't need a rose diamond ring or a grand gesture; I just need you to ask me gently, and I will answer you."

They were still in the car; the door was open, and the outside wind was cold, but Casey's face was flushed. Without saying a word, he jumped out of the car, knelt on one knee, and proposed.

"Bella, will you marry me? Even if the Dempsey family goes bankrupt, and I have nothing.”

"Bankruptcy and having nothing are trifles. I like you, even if you were a silly kid from the orphanage, I would still like you. If I didn't like you, even if the Dempsey family didn't go bankrupt and you inherited a fortune, I still wouldn't like you. Casey, have you heard the vows at weddings? For richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, through good times and bad, I will always be with you," Izabella said, word by word. She got out of the car and walked towards Casey. She looked at Casey's extended hand and asked.

"The financial crisis of the Dempsey family was caused by me. Brett once told me that if you let me go, the Dempsey family will return to its former state. Would you do it?”

"Money can be earned again, but there's only one you in this world," Casey didn’t hesitate. He took Izabella's hand.

"Then marry me. After today, we will be a legally recognized couple."

She wanted to be selfish for once. In her past life, she was always the one giving, never having anything for herself.

In this life, she wanted to hold Casey's hand tightly. Even if she became penniless, as long as she had him, it would be enough.

It was almost closing time, and City Hall was very quiet. The only people present were the staff. Indeed, they were the last couple to register for marriage that day.

The staff gave them a marriage application form. They both signed and filled it out at the same speed, lifting their pens and putting them down at the same time.

They looked at each other, and Casey turned his head and smiled at her, revealing a canine tooth, reminding her of the first time they met.

Twenty minutes later, they left the place. Izabella was staring at the certificate in her hand, her shiny eyes not blinking.

They were married. Izabella was a bit dazed, as if she was in a dream, it didn't feel quite real.

She looked up at Casey beside her. He was carefully looking at their wedding photo on the marriage certificate, gently tracing the outline of their faces with his fingers. He treated it as if it were a priceless treasure.

At that moment, everything was worth it.

From that moment on, she and Casey officially became husband and wife, the closest relationship to each other.

Casey, feeling Izabella's intense gaze, turned his head to look at her. His eyes were a bit red as he asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's just that it hasn't been easy."

Time didn’t talk, but it always gives the most complete answers. Watching Casey carefully put the marriage certificate into his pocket, Izabella suddenly felt that the light object in her hand had become heavy.

She had been to this kind of place before. Nine years ago, she and Brett had hurriedly applied for a marriage certificate.


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