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Revenge of the Hideous Lady (Xyla Quest) novel Chapter 1109

Suddenly, the two commentators were directly dumbfounded—

“What just happened? Is this the legendary smack in the face?” Ben asked.

“I’m shocked, brother. I apologize. Who said Xyla would be overpowered by her opponent? She was practically fighting against two heroes on her own. Xyla’s doing very well… However, I’m still a little worried. That’s because the top laner, Alex, hasn’t been performing well lately…” Luffy said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Alex, who was in the top lane, also started to engage in a battle with his opposing top laner, Lil Eight.

A one-versus-one in the top lane…

Using his god-like maneuvers and his unique understanding of the game, Alex was able to directly kill Lil Eight within a few moves…

It happened so fast that everyone couldn’t even understand what happened.

Luffy, the commentator, couldn’t help but shout in surprise again. “D*mn! What did I just witness? Why do I feel like Team XS is just here to slap me in the face?”

“I’d like to apologize for saying Alex had lost his dominance. Your daddy is still your daddy in the end…” Ben said.

Meanwhile, the fans present were also thoroughly dumbfounded by Xyla and Alex’s god-like maneuvers…

Those who initially looked down on this formation all kept their mouths shut now.

The live stream channel was flooded with comments about how they were embarrassed, and how Team XS had made a comeback…

In the world outside the game, everyone from the commentators to fans was all extremely excited.

In the game, Xyla and her teammates were also very excited at this moment. They all shouted in unison. “Nice!”

Right then, they were all fighting passionately. Alex, especially, instantly felt that he had fully recovered.

After the top and bottom lanes successfully killed one opponent each, Xyla and her teammates knew very well that they already had a huge advantage.

In the time to come, they each used their individual capabilities to suppress Team K5’s players in one go.

In less than twenty minutes, and without even fighting the baron, they ended the game with a single wave.


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