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Revenge of the Hideous Lady (Xyla Quest) novel Chapter 1378

After returning to her office, Georgie Clementine still had a lot of pent-up feelings.

Right then, Henry Armstrong’s call came in…

She instantly frowned coldly and walked over to the French window. “What is it?” She picked up and asked.

Due to her bad mood, her tone wasn’t pleasant either.

Having lived long enough, Georgie had seen many wealthy people who are arrogant and impolite.

However, someone like Henry’s mother was truly rare…

Did she think she was all that great just because she had money?

Although it was quite something…

Did she have to look down on others like that?

Did she have severe paranoia?

Did she think everyone was after their family’s money?

“Who made my baby upset? Why do you sound so unhappy?” Henry was trying to calm her down.

“Your mother…” Georgie said.

“No, wait a second… You can be angry, but can you not scold me? I didn’t do anything to you…” Henry said innocently.

“A few minutes ago… I met your mother,” Georgie explained patiently. However, she still sounded a little upset.

“What? Did she go looking for you? From the tone of your voice, the conversation didn’t go well, did it?” Henry asked carefully. ‘No wonder Mom was in such a terrible mood earlier’. Henry thought to himself.

“I’m telling you… You can be with me on the premise that you sort your family out…

“I don’t want your mother to come pressuring me with money and scolding me with a bunch of mean insults… If this happens again, we’re over…” Georgie added.

Now, Georgie was clouded by anger. There were many things she didn’t think about before speaking.


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