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Revenge of the Hideous Lady (Xyla Quest) novel Chapter 1440

“As we all know, Kassadin is invincible after reaching level sixteen… Once Kassadin reaches level sixteen… the opponent’s base will explode…” Commentator B added.

The live stream channel—

“Here we go again. Kassadin will destroy the opponent’s base at level sixteen…”

“Do you remember that match between Team XS and the other team? Wasn’t their opponent’s Kassadin also level sixteen? So why didn’t their base explode?”

“I’m just stating the facts. I really don’t know how Team CE can win with this formation…”

“Team CE is getting more and more ridiculous… I honestly doubt they can win this match.”

“Team CE will pay for their arrogance… I honestly don’t know who chose this trashy formation…”

Meanwhile, fans who supported Team CE below the stage were also feeling nervous on behalf of the team…

This formation was too much like walking on a tightrope…

It required perfect gameplay on the frontlines.

If they didn’t acquire an advantage in the early game, they would practically lose everything in the late game.

People around were all very concerned, but Stanley Batton remained calm from the beginning to the end. There wasn’t any emotion in his eyes…

A calm aura emanated from Stanley’s body. It felt as if he was fully confident about the situation.

Even if he were in a dire situation, he could remain calm.

Soon, the match began. First, Xyla led her Support to kill their opponent’s AD and Support.

The two players’ exciting gameplay once again caused the entire stadium to cheer…

Meanwhile, the Mid Solo and Top Solo also managed to complete their objectives.

Team CE had an excellent start to the game.

By the ten-minute mark of the match, Noah Smith arrived at the bottom lane for an ambush…


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