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Revenge of the Hideous Lady (Xyla Quest) novel Chapter 2349

Suddenly, the lights went out in the elevator, plunging Stanley Batton and Xyla Quest into darkness.

It was pitch black.

She instantly tightened her arms around her husband’s neck, feeling nervous.

“Oh no, I think there’s a power disruption, but it shouldn’t affect the elevators. The backup generator should automatically run in the event of a blackout,” she said in confusion.

“Don’t be nervous. I’ll try calling someone to check on it now,” Stanley told her as he put her down slowly.

At that moment, the elevator suddenly plunged downwards, making them panic.

She grabbed for Stanley blindly and held on tightly while he hastily pressed against the wall behind him to find balance.

The elevator continued its rapid descent into further darkness.

An eerie feeling made the air feel stale.

Xyla felt goosebumps erupting all over her body. “What’s going on? The elevator is out of control. Honey, what do we do? Are we going to die here?”

If the elevator kept descending at this rate, they would die with certainty.

“What on earth should we do?” she shrieked in fear.

“Don’t panic and stand next to me. Do what I do. Press your hands against the walls, and use it to protect your spine,” Stanley instructed calmly.

“Then bend your knees and brace for impact. It will reduce the severity of your injuries,” he added, sounding much more grounded than Xyla's anxious tone.

She moved to stand beside him and did as instructed by pressing her back to the wall while keeping her knees bent.

They clasped each other’s hands tightly in the darkness.

They had no idea what would happen next. Would the elevator drop to the last floor and shatter all their bones? Or would it stop somewhere in the middle by some miracle?

They could only silently pray for it to stop.


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