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Revenge of the Hideous Lady (Xyla Quest) novel Chapter 2476

Alex was a fair coach who would ask the team for their opinions after deciding. But since the strategies and combinations he'd suggested seemed sound, nobody opposed them.

The second match began around ten minutes later. The players involved walked onto the stage and returned to their seats before preparing for it to start.

Team XS members seemed more relaxed now after their initial win and could afford to take it easy.

Team XS chose Kalista as Top Solo, Nidalee as Jungler, LeBlanc as Mid Solo, and Xayah with Rakan for the bottom lane this round.

Meanwhile, Team FPK chose Mordekaiser as Top Solo, Lee Sin as Jungler, Rumble as Mid Solo, and Ashe with Tahm Kench as the bottom lane.

Once the champions had been selected, comments began to flood the livestream channel once more—

“Kalista? S does like choosing unusual champions.”

“That’s such an odd choice for a Top Solo champion. Hahaha!”

“He reminds me more and more of Alex with that choice.”

“I’m dead. Hahahaha!”

As soon as the second match started, four enemies gathered at the top lane, prompting Leon Batton to use his skillful maneuvers to kill them all.

He had very few health points left once those four enemies were dead. The remaining surviving Jungler from the opposing team moved in for the kill, but Leon managed to dodge all his efforts.

Then, he quickly hid in the bush while the Jungler searched for him, biding his time for the opportunistic moment before using two skills to kill the enemy.

Members of the audience were all dumbfounded at his moves—

“Oh, d*mn. I thought S was going to be killed!”

“He barely had any health points left. Why didn’t he run?”

“Not only did he not run, but he even went for the kill! He even managed to kill them all by himself!”

“I’d be traumatized for life if I was that Jungler!”

Meanwhile, on the livestream channel—

“Hahaha, I don’t know what else to say.”


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