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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Pansy Group Runs into Trouble

"Grandpa..." Jane was a little shy in front of Old North and coquettishly said, "Don't say these things."

"When a man is old enough to marry, a woman is old enough to marry. Why be ashamed?" Old North teased.

"Grandpa, you're still talking!" Jane turned around and patted her face with both hands when she saw the embarrassed look on the woman next to her.

Seeing this, Patrick raised his eyebrows and spoke seriously to Old North. "Grandpa, I will take care of Jane and protect her."

"Not bad. Grandpa didn't misjudge you." Old North was very satisfied with Patrick.

This was Patrick's first time meeting Old North. The old man had sharp spirits and a strong aura all over him. He didn't look like an old man from the countryside at all.

Patrick suddenly remembered that his grandfather had an old friend named North as well. They used to dominate the business world back then but suddenly retired later on.

Could it be him?

As Patrick pondered this thought, Jane suddenly interrupted his thoughts by speaking up again. "Grandpa, how did you know we were here? Did you receive my distress signal?"

Old North nodded in response.

That day he was fishing by the lake when his sensor suddenly vibrated in his pocket.

Old North's heart sank as he knew that it meant something dangerous happened to his beloved granddaughter!

He knew about Jane's abilities so whoever sent out this distress signal must have been in dire need of help.

The signal was weak but after some effort, he managed to locate it deep within the sea.

He quickly brought people along for rescue mission

Jane's necklace fell into deep sea causing its signal getting weaker over time until finally found by Old north who felt hopeless at times during search operation due its weak signals

After being rescued from danger , Jane asked excitedly," Grandfather , what is happening outside now ?"

The CEO of Pansy Group crashed into sea from plane, his life or death unknown, outside world must be shocked .

Sure enough , Old north narrowed eyes sharply looked towards Patrick ,"Patrick, Pansy Group has encountered trouble."

"It was expected," replied Patrick with furrowed brows,

"Grandfather what exactly happened?" asked Jane curiously,

Old north stroked his beard while looking serious ,"After receiving your distress signal, I contacted your grandfather immediately, but..."

"How is my grandfather doing?" The center of Patricks eyebrows twitched twice as he spoke solemnly

After looking at Patrick, Old North said, "Your butler said he's sick and I can't reach him. This has never happened before, but the situation is urgent and I had to come find you guys at sea."

Upon hearing this, Patrick's handsome face turned unusually cold.

Even if his grandfather was sick, there was no way he couldn't be reached.

Something must have happened.

"Patrick, your grandfather will be fine," Jane held Patrick's hand and comforted him softly. "We'll hurry back together and face whatever trouble Pansy Group is facing."

"Mm," Patrick uttered a monosyllabic sound indifferently while glancing deeply at Jane with an imperceptible flicker of emotion and deep love in his eyes.


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