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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Jane, Let's Get Married

With a lingering and somewhat domineering kiss, Jane's face flushed instantly. His scorching breath intertwined with Jane's, his warm lips pressed tightly against hers. The feeling of mutual love and fusion made Jane's breathing a bit chaotic. The temperature in the living room kept rising... Jane's gaze gradually became blurred.

In a daze, she heard Patrick's low and hoarse voice, "Jane, let's get married."


Jane suddenly woke up, "What did you say?"

Patrick's gaze became even deeper as he smiled slightly and said affectionately, "Jane, marry me!"


She did agree to Patrick but she never thought about getting married so soon. After all they had only known each other for just over a month despite experiencing life and death together. Marriage... seemed too fast!

Moreover, there were still many things she wanted to do; how could she get married so early?

"Patrick, you're drunk; don't talk nonsense." Jane covered Patrick's thin lips with her hand to prevent him from saying anything else.

Patrick chuckled lightly.

The next day when Jane woke up Patrick had prepared an abundant breakfast for her.

"Look at this! Do you like it?" Patrick pulled out the chair for Jane and sat her down.

Looking down at the breakfast that was both colorful in appearance as well as fragrant in smell before her eyes warmed Jane's heart,"Did you make all of this?"

"Mmm." Patrick responded calmly,"If you like it I'll make it every day for you."

As their eyes met across the table facing each other , the elegant man before her caused Janes heart to skip half beat slower than usual . Even someone as high above others such as him has such a gentle side? If they really got married would they be happy?

"What are you thinking about?" noticing that Janes mind was wandering away , Patrick waved his distinctively clear large hand in front of her face .

"Oh nothing much ,"Janed replied ,"I'm just thinking which one should I eat first since everything looks so delicious."

"Taste the fried egg first; it is your favorite." As he picked up an egg with chopsticks from his plate he placed it into Janes dish while glancing over at her face subtly asking again,"Have you considered my proposal last night?"

Janes chopsticks paused midair,"Are you proposing to me like this? It isn't romantic at all!" She felt speechless ,"Besides we have only just met not long ago ; talking about marriage now is too early."

Patrick grabbed onto those three words, "not romantic." It seemed like he really lacked experience in this area. He didn't bring up the topic again and Jane breathed a sigh of relief.

All day, Patrick thought about those three words to the point where he was distracted during a meeting with company executives. Finally, when the meeting ended, Morton followed Patrick to his office and asked if something was on his mind.

"Women like romance, don't they?" Patrick asked casually.

Morton was taken aback by the unexpected question from his boss. "I suppose so," he nodded.

Patrick pursed his lips and glanced at Morton before asking another question: "What makes a proposal romantic?"

A proposal? Morton realized that Patrick must be planning to propose to Miss North soon but how would he know what's considered romantic?

"I'm single... I'm not good at this kind of thing," Morton lamented.


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