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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184: Jane's Scarf

Candice's words struck a chord even with Nana, making her feel oddly sensible.

But Patrick's face darkened, "We continue searching."

He couldn't wait because Jane couldn't wait. Every minute wasted meant an additional minute of danger for Jane!

So, despite Patrick being exhausted, the thought of Jane's uncertain fate fueled his determination not to stop for a moment.

"Let's split into four groups and search in four different directions," Patrick pondered.

The forest area was vast, and he needed to ensure that no inch of ground was left unchecked.

"Paddy, I'm with you," Candice held onto Patrick, sticking to him like glue.

She hoped they never found Jane. Even if Jane wasn't buried by the snow, she must have starved to death in all this time.

Patrick nodded faintly, "Candy, it's dangerous here; be careful following me."

A warmth filled Candice's heart; she raised the corners of her lips, revealing what she thought was her most charming smile. "Paddy, you're so good to me."

The four groups went in different directions to search for Jane. Patrick led Nana and others on the path where Jane was most likely to be found, initiating another round of search.

With Morton and others joining, their search became more meticulous.

The sky gradually darkened.

Jane remained silent.

"Paddy, I'm scared," Candice looked around, shivering in the pitch-black darkness. She leaned into Patrick, "Could there be wild animals here?"

Patrick's heart skipped a beat.

Wild animals...

He had never considered that Jane might encounter wild animals.

If she did...

Patrick's already grim face darkened even more.

His all-black suit almost merged with the night.

"Don't worry; there are no ferocious beasts here." A local villager, part of the search party with Morton, quickly spoke, "Only some small animals that won't pose a threat to humans."

Patrick breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's so dark now, and the efficiency of the search is low. How about we go back to the village and come back early tomorrow?" The villager suggested tentatively.

"This brother is right," Candice quickly agreed. "It's pitch dark; we can't see anything. How can we find someone? It's better to rest well tonight, gather our strength, and have better energy to search tomorrow."

"Continue the search, don't stop!" Patrick's face darkened, his tone allowing no room for resistance.

At this moment, only one belief supported him: he had to find Jane, and he had to find her as soon as possible!

Patrick had spoken, and everyone else fell silent.

Even if Candice was reluctant, she could only follow behind Patrick, taking one step at a time.

A night passed without any progress.

The eastern sky gradually revealed a hint of light, and the long-lost sun finally peeked out.

"The weather is clearing up!" Morton exclaimed with excitement.

"Great, with the sun out, the ice and snow will melt, and our chances of finding Jane will increase." Nana also showed a faint smile.

But Patrick's expression remained cold.

Although the weather had cleared, the temperature was still low. It would take several days for the ice and snow to melt. Jane didn't have much food with her, and she couldn't sustain herself for so long.

After continuous search efforts, everyone was exhausted, but Patrick persisted.


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